Chapter 1 : This Is Bad (Ep. 1|Part 1)

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Hope's POV

Me and Dr. Saltzman are currently on the road after we safely secured the first transition of Rafael Waithe, a new werewolf, and to my surprise, I found Landon Kirby, the person I thought I'd never see again. It was nice to see Landon, I used to have a crush on him, maybe I still do. But that's all in the past now, he won't remember me anyway. When we arrive at school Josie and Lizzie Saltzman are already waiting for us. Dr. Saltzman tells Rafael to go with the twins, while we talk to Landon. The twins do their whole tour introduction thingy, I always find it kinda cute but creepy at the same time.

"Morning Hope" the twins greet me in unison. "Morning Girls" I reply nicely.
"More like despair" Lizzie lowering her voice, I saw that reply coming.
"I heard that" "No, you didn't"
"Didn't have to" Me and Lizzie never get along, I try to be nice but she just keeps poking. "Everyone behave" Dr. Saltzman said. The twins said, "Love you dad" and leave to show Rafael around the school. Me, Landon, and Dr. Saltzman all head down to his office to talk about what happened.

On the way to his office, Dr. Saltzman asks Landon a few questions about what he knows. When we arrive he tells Landon the basics about supernaturals. Landon still not believing what happened. "So, what are you?" he asked me. Rather than answering his question, I try to escape. "I should get to class..."
"No." he says loudly. "No. Sorry, I don't mean to be a dick, but I don't know you--" he says to Dr. Saltzman. "--and though the image of you whammy-ing a priest is still fresh, I need you here."

I decided to stick around. It's the least I could do. Landon pauses for a moment to compose himself before sighing.
"Just... tell me what all that was in the church last night?" he asks.
"What do you think it was?" I ask him.
"Well... as best as I can reason, either I've lost my mind, or werewolves are real." Dr. Saltzman and I share another silent look, as though we're surprised that Landon figured it out so quickly, and Landon takes our expressions as confirmation and begins to panic.

" Th-this is beyond insane. How is that even possible?" he says stuttering.
"It's a long story involving an ancient, vengeful witch and a bloodline curse. We cover all that in Origins of the Species, grade six." Dr. Saltzman shrugs.
"In sixth grade at my school, we learned the state capitals." Landon says.
"We teach that, too." I respond. Dr. Saltzman turns the conversation back to the task at hand.
"I have some questions about Rafael."
Landon looks confused by his statement and asks. "Like what?"
"Well, let's start with who he killed recently." Dr. Saltzman says rather calmly. Landon's eyes widen in alarm. This is not going to end well. I thought to myself.

Josie's POV

Me and Lizzie give a werewolf a basic tour at the school. His name is Rafael, and I think he's pretty cute, he's a good guy, I think I might like him, but I know Lizzie does.
"Everybody gets along with everybody here, for the most part." I say to Rafael.
" The wolves are pretty cliquey. They like to hang with their own." Lizzie shares.
"In defiance of the school's commitment to inclusiveness."
"That is why we volunteered to be your tour guides-- to give you a good witch-welcome before your hairier brethren corrupt you."

We stop when we reach a classroom. Inside, Dorian Williams is teaching a class full of witches.
"That's our librarian, Mr. Williams. He's subbing for our Chemistry of Magic teacher, who accidentally incinerated himself last week in hellfire." I inform.
"Burned all the hair off his body, but didn't leave a scar." Lizzie adds.
We pause to listen to the class a little bit
"Now, this language has been carefully crafted over centuries. So, you may think you can play fast and loose with the syllables, but you'd be very wrong about that. Because otherwise, a love charm becomes a what?" Mr. Williams asks the class. Mr. Williams looks at the students before calling on Penelope Park.

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