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10 years ago

"So that's it huh?" The sad looking guy asks the guy standing in front of him.

He's looking back at him as if he's bored being there with him.

When he gets no response from the other, he yells out, "Can't you at least answer me Taehyung?! Don't you care that you hurt me?"

Taehyung looks him in the eyes and says, "Not really, no. Look, we had fun right? Had a few laughs. We even had a few good romps. But now that's over, and whatever we had, is over."

"Wow, it's so easy for you to just walk away from me. From us.. I guess I should've listened to my friends. They warned me that you were just going to use me."

Taehyung sighs and with a roll of his eyes says, "Why do you have to be so dramatic about everything? Seriously? I just wanted to fuck you and it took forever to convince you to give it up. I'm the one who should be mad for wasting so much time just to fuck you!"

"Because you were my first!! I fucking told you that. You told me you loved me!" He was starting to get hysterical now.

"Ok, and I made it memorable for you right? Isn't that what sentimental people like you hope for? I was gentle and caring while I fucked you."

"Shut up! I don't know why I'm surprised by this. All the signs were there, but I fell for your stupid lies.

I'm going now.. I want you to know that I will make you regret what you did. No matter how long it takes, you will regret this."

He then turns and walks away and never looks back.

Taehyung watches his retreating figure until he's gone. He then chuckles and says 'whatever' to himself.

He then pulls out his phone and calls one of his partners in crime Jungkook.

J- "Hey, what's up?"

T- "Nothing yet, you ready to hit the clubs? I just got rid of my latest hit."

"No shit?! Already? That was quicker than I expected. Was he not a good fuck?"

"He was good enough, for a virgin. But now I want someone fresh and new."

"Ok, well swing by to pick me up. I'll be ready."

"Ok, I'll be there in a few."

They end the call and Taehyung walks towards his car. He thinks about the tear stained face of the guy who's world he just crushed.

He will kinda miss him, but he had a rep to protect. So he couldn't spend anymore time on him.

Meanwhile at a nearby bus stop

The crying young man sat on the bench waiting for his bus. He was sniffling and shedding tears unable to control them.

When he was suddenly handed a small packet of tissues. He looked up and saw a nice looking man smiling at him.

"Take them, I don't need them. I always keep extra."

The young man thanks him and tries to smile back, but it was a hollow smile.

The other gentleman then sits down and asks him, "What has got such a handsome young man like you crying like this?"

"Oh you know, the usual... Lying, cheating boyfriend just broke up with me and didn't care."

"Ah, I see. I know it may not mean much coming from a total stranger at a bus stop. But the pain you're feeling is really temporary.

It will feel like the end of the world for months to come. Until one day, you will wake up feeling differently. You won't even realize that you're suddenly smiling and laughing more.

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