The Fireman pt. 2

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As Jin sat across his date, he really wishes he had taken Tae's offer to stay with him instead.

He was so bored with his blind date and he is way too touchy. There's no need for him be touching him as much as he has been all night.

"So how do you like working as a Doctor?" His date asks.

But he asks in a halfhearted way, as if he remembered he should also ask his date questions after monopolizing the conversation all evening.

Jin replied, "I love it.. it can be challenging but seeing a patient get better cause of something you did. It's very rewarding."

"Do you get paid per person or how does that work?" He asks.

Jin narrows his eyebrows at him and asks, "What kind of question is that? What do you care how I get paid?"

His date continues shoving food in his mouth with his chopsticks. Barely looking at him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend. I was just trying to figure out the appeal of having such a career.

I mean, what I do.. can best be described as me buying and selling other companies. In Acquisition.. Some that have been passed down from generation to generation and I crush them." He enthusiastically makes a crushing fist.

"You have no idea how thrilling that can be. I've had men crawling at my feet. Begging me for a chance to save their families livelihood. But I don't let their tears affect me. I have a business to run.

But I guess there must be something about being a doctor that so many people like. So I can only assume it's a very lucrative job. I doubt anyone would do it for cheap pay." He then chuckles loudly at his own comments.

Jin rolls his eyes, wipes his mouth with his napkin and throws it onto his plate. He then stands, pulls out his wallet and throws a few bills on the table.

"Here's some money for dinner. It's on me since you're so concerned about money. Please lose my number and don't ever call me again."

The guy realizes he fucked up and quickly stands to rush after him. He debates whether or not to pick up the money Jin left on the table or not before running behind him. He opts to leave it.

"Wait.. I'm sorry." He tells Jin as they walk out of the restaurant.

"For what exactly?" Jin asks as he continues walking towards his car.

"For.. um.. whatever it was that upset you. I'm really sorry."

Jin finally stops and looks at him.

"You don't even know what I'm upset about do you?"

The guy looks around and sees people looking at them.

"Honestly no.. I don't know. But whatever it was, I'm sorry. I promise I won't do it again. Just please don't end our date. I waited so long for your mother to agree to set us up."

"I think it's best we call it a night cause I just don't want to spend another second with you. You find joy in ruining so many peoples lives. That's not something I could ever be ok with. I'm in the healthcare industry.

And I do it because I love saving lives and I love that families get to stay together because of what I can do. I find no joy when I am not able to save someone.

So you and I have nothing in common and I just don't want anything to do with you anymore."

He then walks to his car and soon drives away. Leaving his date standing alone staring at his taillights.


As Jin is driving away, he checks the time and sees it's still fairly early. So he calls his friend Jungkook.

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