Ch 43: this is how you fall in love

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while, but here's a short update!

"Should we go into another room?"

"This one is fine," Noah said curtly.

They had moved into another room across the hall that was pretty small which was unfortunate because Shivani had planned on sitting as far away from Noah and yelling her feedback from there.


"Okay?" Noah seemed confused. "You're okay?"

"I didn't say that."

"Yes you did. You said 'okay'."

Shivani sighed. So this was how it was going to be. Honestly she was just so tired and sweaty that all she wanted to do was take a shower and then go to bed, but clearly Noah had other plans.

"Noah all I said was that this room was okay."

"That's what you said, but that's not what you meant."

"Then why don't you tell me what I meant since we're apparently reading into every single word I say."

"Fine. What you meant was 'it's perfectly okay that Noah is hurting while I feel amazing because I clearly am way more into Bailey.' I mean Bailey? Really Shivani? You would pick him over me?"

"I get why you're mad, but it's not like that at all. If you would just let me-"

"Let you explain what? Let you explain that you don't think I can get into Now United? Let you explain that you were stringing me along?"

Shivani shook her head. "Of course I think you can get into Now United! We ended whatever was going on between us because I don't think I can get into Now United!"

"That's ridiculous. Of course you're getting in. You're perfect and when you dance, you draw people to you." He cleared his throat quickly and then turned around.

Shivani didn't really know what to say. "Noah, why did you ask me to help you with the choreography?"

He turned around and walked up to her. "Because I needed to know why you didn't tell me that you thought that Josh was a lock for Now United."

"What? I never thought that! That was just some rumor that I heard from-"

She immediately shut her mouth. She heard it from Bailey. But she couldn't risk bringing him up right now.

"From who?" Noah took another step towards Shivani. "Who told you this?"

"It doesn't matter. I never believed it!"

"If it doesn't matter, then just tell me!"

"Fine. It was Bailey."

Noah laughed. "Of course it was! Did he also tell you that he was a lock?" Noah looked at Shivani for a second and laughed again. "Of course he did! Wow this is rich. So you broke up with me because you thought I wouldn't make it into Now United, but you thought Bailey is for sure so it's okay if I break up with Noah."

"No I didn't! If you would stop and actually listen to me for one second! I was going on the ferris wheel with Hina, but then she and Maya had some weird plan and they forced me on the ferris wheel and by the time I realized Bailey was next to me, it was too late!"

"Maya wouldn't do that."

Now Shivani scoffed. "Oh cause you know her so well?"

"I don't, but at this point, I know her better than I know you."

"You don't mean that." Shivani didn't know why she said that, but there was no way Noah actually believed that...right?

Noah just rolled his eyes.

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