Ch 27: Wonder

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Shivani smiled at him. "I'm glad we're still friends," she whispered.

He smiled for the first time that day at her. "Me too."

"Okay! Now I'm going to ask Sina a question so if we could all pay attention...," Bailey looked towards Noah and Shivani, "that would great!"

That was weird. But was no weirder than anything else that had transpired that night. Bailey thought about it for a minute and then whispered to Sina.

She didn't even take a minute to think about it. "Noah."

The coin flip came up heads. The question was who Sina wanted to kiss. Raised eyebrows and hoots went around the circle and Bailey smiled at Shivani. That was pretty weird for a guy who had basically just said he didn't think Shivani would make it into Now United, but it seemed like he was still sticking to the original plan.

Shivani knew she should be happy that her and Bailey's original plan was back on track, but for some reason her heart just wasn't in it anymore. The fact that she and Noah were still friends meant a lot more to her and this game just felt tedious.

"I think I'm going to go back to my room. I think auditions tired me out more than I realized." Shivani awkwardly laughed and got up.

Bailey stood up too. "What? No please stay. Come on it's only been like half an hour."

Shivani shrugged. "Yeah, but I'm tired. I'll see you guys later. That"

"Well if you're sure..." He shrugged and sat back down.

"I'm pretty tired too." That was Noah. "I think I'm going to head out too."

"What? I mean...uh cool. I guess...we'll see you guys tomorrow. As I go to my room and Noah goes to his room because we're both separate people who are both tired. Uh farewell I guess." Farewell? Who was she? Shakespeare? Shivani was being awkward because she didn't want people to think they were leaving together in a way that meant they were leaving together *wink*.

Noah laughed. "Yeah what she said."

Alex raised his eyebrows. "Mhm sure...have fun you party animals!"

Before Alex could say anything else or she could look at any more faces, she quickly walked to the door and Noah followed her. As soon as the door closed, he burst out laughing.

Shivani shook her head. "I know. Trust me...I know. I'm so awkward! I said farewell. Farewell Noah!"

That made Noah laugh even harder, and Shivani didn't really know what to do, but his laughter was contagious. Pretty soon she started laughing too.

Noah calmed down enough to gesture towards the hall. "Let's get away from the door before they think we were lying about being tired."

Shivani nodded, trying to control her laughter. Once they were waiting for the elevators, Shivani laughed again. "Can I be honest?"

Noah nodded.

"I wasn't really tired. I was just...done with the game." She shrugged.

Noah smiled. "Can I be honest?"

She nodded.

"Me too."

And just like that Noah and Shivani were back to being in it together. It turned out that not much had changed since the first day they met and made a pact to support each other through this crazy journey.

"I have a crazy idea." Noah eyes had a strange look in them.

"Should I be scared?"

" Maybe and you can totally say no,'ll be fun!"

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