Ch 19: Made It This Far

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Updates are faster than usual because I'm procrastinating studying for an exam I have, so yeah :) as promised, a non-taylor swift chapter title

The next morning Shivani and Hina woke up exhausted. Somehow they were supposed to perform the routines their partners had choreographed for each other and then go through their first round of eliminations. Shivani looked over at Hina who was smiling at her phone, probably talking to Ylona. At this point, Shivani had basically moved into Hina's room. 

Last night they had shared several slow dances, but Hina was being coy about whether or not things had gone further. Though by the way she was sneaking smiles at her phone, it was clear things had gone well.

As for Shivani, after the slow dance with Bailey, they both didn't really talk to each other the rest of the night because it would've been overkill. If Noah was going to believe she genuinely liked Bailey, he would have to see a slow progression. 

Her mom had sent her a "Good Luck!" text so she responded to that and then remembered how Kinjal had told her that she needed to talk to her mom. Sadly her mom had been busy with the other parents and Shivani had been busy with the audition process. 

She threw off her covers and sleepily went to the bathroom to get ready. When she was done she came out and Hina was still in bed. 

"Hina! You have ten minutes before we have to go to meet our partners!"

Hina's eyes widened. "Oh shoot! Sorry I was talking to- never mind. Anyway thank you." She grabbed a bunch of clothes and ran to the bathroom.

"Uh Hina?"


"Those are my clothes." Shivani laughed. Ylona really had some effect on Hina. 

"Right I knew that." She came out and gave Shivani her clothes. "So Hina, when do I get to hear the details about Ylona?"

"When do I get to hear the details about Bailey?" Hina countered from the bathroom.

"Um we danced, that's it. Your turn."

"We danced, that's it."



"Seriously, Hina tell me. Pleeeeease. Dude I told you about my Bailey moments!"

Hina sighed exaggeratedly. "Fineeeee. All I'm saying is that she's an excellent kisser. Bailey has good taste."

"Bailey? Isn't she into girls?"

"She bi. Apparently Bailey and she had a thing on this reality show in the Philippines, but he was a player or something. But they're friends now." Hina came out of the bathroom and started putting her stuff away. "Sorry is that weird to talk about because you and Bailey had or have a thing?"

"Oh no not at all. He just asked me to dance so I obliged. I think things are starting to get more normal between us." Shivani was quiet for a moment. "Well as normal as they can be that is."

"I'm glad...just be careful okay?"

"I will. I'm not going to let him get close to me again."

"It's not that." Hina sighed and sat on her bed. She motioned for Shivani to sit next to her. "It's just... I know you want Noah and Sina to be a thing, but I still think he has feelings for you. And if you don't feel the same way, you should just tell him before anything happens."

"The thing is Hina, I don't think he does like me. And even if he does, if I bring it up then it'll always be there and I can't take it back."

Hina nodded. "Yeah that's true. I think you can make your own decisions and you'll do the right thing, but at the end of the day, being honest can be the best thing."

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