Ch 25: Oh My God

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Note: Short update because I've been super busy with exams, but the next update will be long so get ready for that!

Auditions were now officially over. Honestly after leaving Bailey's room, Shivani spaced out because she was so nervous. The audition itself went well for the most part. There was no common waiting room like last time. Instead, each person got a text and was told to go into one of three rooms when it was their turn to perform.

Shivani was assigned to room A and when she entered, she saw a single table at the end of the room. Simon and Shawn, the clipboard lady from the interview event, were sitting at the table. Shawn smiled at her, but Simon was all business even after Shivani had finished her dance. There was no applause or feedback, just a simple "Thank You." Shivani had gone up to her room feeling nervous, but then Hina came in and told her the same thing happened to her, but Kyle was the only person in her room.

Later that night, around 9 pm, Hina and Shivani made their way to Bailey's room.

As Shivani pressed the button in the elevator, Hina laughed. "I like that you know where Bailey's room is." She raised her eyebrows teasingly.

Shivani laughed. "What? No! I just-I checked before we came here."

Hina nodded. "Sure Shivani sure. I remember when you were that innocent little rice-purity-score-of-100 little girl. So young. So pure."

"Hina that's still me!"

"Oh you still have a 100?" Hina said sarcastically.


Hina made a triumphant sound. "And who is the reason for that?"

"Well technically Bailey, but...that's so not the point!" This was the longest elevator ride ever.

Hina put her hands up. "Hey, don't worry I would never judge! All I'll say is be safe, okay?"

Shivani was confused. "Safe? Sure...I won't talk to strangers I guess."

"Yeah that's so not what I mean by safety."

It took Shivani a second. "OH MY GOODNESS HINA NO. STOP. IT'S LITERALLY NOT LIKE THAT AT ALL!" Shivani could feel her face heating up. She really wanted to tell Hina that her "relationship" with Bailey was fake, but if she wanted Noah to believe it, she really had to sell it.

Hina just laughed and thankfully they got out on Bailey's floor.

"Okay so remind me again how you're planning on using this Paranoia game night to get back on Noah's good side?" Hina asked as they walked down the long hallway.

Shivani looked around to make sure no one was nearby. "Well basically Bailey and I have a plan to ask specific questions that will make them admit they like each other and then Noah will stop paying attention to me and then we'll be best friends again!"

Hina gave her a skeptical look. "Honestly Shivani? There's one major flaw in your plan."

"There is? Bailey and I spent a while thinking it through. What am I missing?" Shivani thought back over the plan.

"It's what you've been missing this whole time! Noah likes you! Which means if he sees you and Bailey together...well, he's not exactly going to suddenly become your best friend again. If anything, everyone wants what they can't have so you'll successfully make Noah jealous and like you more!"

Shivani shook her head. "No! Stop. Noah's not like that. Besides, I've thought this through!"

Hina shrugged. "Okay well this should be interesting." They were outside Bailey's room and Hina knocked. 

Bailey opened the door, a clear look of relief on his face. "Oh my goodness. Shivani thank god you're here!"

"Well, hello to you too Bailey!" Hina said and walked past him.

"Erm yes. Hi Hina. Could you please take your shoes off?" He then turned to face Shivani. "Okay so you're the last person to arrive, which is fantastic since I barely know most of the people! But remember the game plan?"

Shivani nodded and then laughed. "I don't think I've ever seen you so stressed. Well...other than when Simon was announcing who went home."

"There's just a lot that has to go right tonight, okay? I don't exactly want to let you down I guess." He shrugged like it was no big deal. 

"Well...that's nice?"


"Ohhhkay. So I'm going to go sit down now."

Bailey regained his composure and nodded. "Hold my hand!" He whispered.

"What?" Shivani whispered back.

"You heard me!"

"No way!"

"Just do it! Trust me!"

Shivani was about to argue, but Hina yelled at them. "Hey lovebirds! Hurry Up!"

Shivani sighed and took Bailey's hand. He gave her a triumphant smile and they walked inside the room to where everyone was sitting in a circle. Noah was sitting next to Hina and there was a gap next to him where Bailey would sit. On the other side of the circle, there was a space next to Sina for Shivani. Everyone else they'd invited had also come.

"Welcome to game night everyone!" Bailey said while still holding Shivani's hand.

Noah wasn't making eye contact with Shivani, but he was staring daggers at Bailey and Shivani's hands. Shivani tried to wriggle her hand out, but Bailey just held on tighter. Welp this was great.

"So here are some quick rules for the game. The first three rounds, the person on your left will whisper a question into your ear. Then you have to respond with the name of a person in this room out loud. Nobody else will know what question you've been asked until we flip a coin and if it's heads, the person who asked you the question will say the question out loud. Otherwise, no one else will no the question and we'll move onto the next person."

"So why is it called Paranoia?" Someone Shivani didn't recognize asked. He had an Australian accent, blondish hair, and piercing blue eyes. It had to be Alex.

"Well Alex I'm so glad you asked! If your name gets said and you don't what question it is...well you just have to be paranoid because the most sacred rule of this game is that you can ONLY know the question if the coin says you can."

Alex laughed.

"Okay so let's start! Shivani, my dear, take a seat next to Sina please!" Bailey gestured at the empty spot between Sina and Alex.

Shivani quickly pulled her hand out of Bailey's as he gave her a wink. "Sure...Bailey." My dear? Why did he say that? Shivani thought she would pass out from the embarrassment and she just hoped Noah didn't hear that. As she walked to her spot, she looked over at Hina who was sitting between Noah and Ylona and she shrugged. 

Shivani risked a glance at Noah who was staring at Shivani and looked away as soon as they made eye contact. Well this would be an interesting night.

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