Ch 28: It's You

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When the show ended, Noah and Shivani stayed lying down on the mat for a little while longer as people clapped and started to leave. 



"That was" 

Noah turned on his side to face Shivani. This all felt oddly intimate because they were in the middle of Disneyland, holding hands, lying down, and looking up at the sky. Well Shivani was looking at the sky, and Noah was looking at Shivani.

"As much as I want to stay here, we have so much more to do!" He got up and held out a hand for Shivani to take. 

She laughed. "There's no way you have more surprises!"

"Well I am a person of many talents!"

"Lead the way oh wise one." 

He laughed. "Okay so there's no way you can come to Disneyland and not ride Space Mountain. And even though usually lines are super long, Alice came through and got me...drumroll passes!" He pulled out his phone to show her an email from Alice.

Shivani had no idea what a fast pass was, but once they got to the ride she understood how useful they were. The line to Space Mountain seemed to go on endlessly. Thankfully they entered through the fast pass section and once they crossed the checkpoint, they got to walk past so many people.

"Let's run! Come on!" Noah waved at her to join him and they ran to the front of the line. When they finally reached the second checkpoint, both the regular and fast pass lines merged. They were all on this ramp that led down to this space shuttle looking things.

"So how are you with rollercoasters?" Noah asked.

"I like them, but where's the track?"

"It's inside because the coaster is basically in the dark and just lit with stars." 


"Yeah you need to sit in front!"

"What? No no no! I can't." Shivani had been on some rides before, but she hated being in the front. She had no idea what to expect and something about being in the middle or back made her feel a lot more protected and...

"I can see you overthinking this! Look you don't have to do anything you don't want to, but in the spirit of trying new things, I think you should just do it!" He shrugged and walked forward. They were almost at the front. 

Oh what the heck? "Yeah...sure. Why not?"


Shivani laughed, "Are you trying to talk me out of it?"

He laughed. "No I'm just surprised you trust me so much."

She shrugged. "It's worked out pretty well so far."

They were now in the front of the line. The attendant smiled at them. "Would you guys like the front two rows?"

They nodded and stood behind the gates waiting for the next coaster car. 

"You know we have auditions tomorrow?"

Noah laughed. "Right now let's pretend like they don't exist. Besides, it's not like you won't make Now United regardless."

"Well...I don't actually think I will." And there it was. Shivani had tried and tried her best to ignore this one little thought that wouldn't leave her alone. Maybe that's why she'd suggested fake dating Bailey in the first place. Something to take away her attention from the fact that she felt like she was just biding her time until she would be sent home and rejected.

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