Ch 36: Feeling a Moment

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"You know you really don't have to actually spot me, right?" Just then a wave knocked Shivani over and when she managed to stand up she started coughing up water.

Bailey laughed. "You were saying?"

"I got up by myself didn't I?"

"Fine. Maybe I'll go hang out with Arshia."

She nodded. "Yes please. She keeps staring at you anyways!" Shivani glanced at Arshia who was partnered with Sabina and Arshia quickly averted her eyes when she noticed Shivani was looking at her. 

He raised an eyebrow. "Fine. Maybe I will." But he stayed put near Shivani.

Shivani attempted to get back up on the board and in the most unladylike way possible, she managed to put her knees on the board. Another wave was coming so she tried to brace herself. At least the board felt steady this time. 

She started to slowly get into the bent surfer stance and for one brilliant second, she was balancing and she felt powerful and then she felt herself losing balance and her arms started flailing as she felt herself fall backwards. Instead of hitting the cold water, she landed in the air with someone holding her.

"Aw you guys look like you should be on the cover of a magazine!" Maya yelled loudly. Maya really needed to chill. And where was Noah?

Shivani rolled her eyes and tried to gracefully get out of Bailey's arms, but he wasn't exactly letting her go.

"Let go of me!"

"Not until you say thank you."

"Fine. Thank you...for absolutely nothing. I could've had a softer landing in the water."

"Fine." Bailey decided then was a perfect time to let her go and Shivani went back under water. Unfortunately this time the salty ocean water went all the way up her nose and she couldn't stop coughing. Again. Stupid Bailey.

"What is wrong with you?" She tried to push him so he would fall into the water. Unfortunately he didn't budge. 

"Someone's a little weak," he said smirking.

There was only way she could get him back and luckily there was a wave coming just then. She pretended to fall and she could hear his faint laughter as she spotted his legs underwater and then she just went for it pulling one of his legs out from under him. She came up just in time to see him flop backwards into the water and she heard him scream. Actually everyone around them heard him scream because it was that loud.

Shivani couldn't stop laughing and when Bailey got up he was laughing too. 

"You scream like such a guy!"

He groaned. "Did you really hear me scream?"

"Yeah and everyone else did too!"

"You are so going to pay for that!"

He lunged forward catching Shivani off balance and she shrieked as she unintentionally reached out to catch Bailey who also fell. Shivani didn't realize that Bailey's arms were tightly wrapped around her and that he was basically on top of her until she realized she couldn't really move. 

"Um..." Shivani wasn't entirely sure how to make this situation not awkward. Somehow Bailey managed to stand up without letting go of her which meant it now looked like they were hugging. So Shivani did the one thing she could think of. She started to tickle him.

"Hey!" He moved back and starting splashing her, hitting Shivani straight in the face. And Shivani started frantically splashing him back and pretty soon they were both laughing. 

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