Ch 3: I'm All the Way Up

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During the ride to XIX Entertainment, Shivani learned that the other girl was the other finalist from India. The entirety of the car ride was spent avoiding smirks from Bailey and staring out the window at the endless line of palm trees and the infamous LA traffic.

The seemingly endless car ride finally came to a stop in front of the tallest building Shivani had ever seen. The shine of the XIX Entertainment sign was blinding and there was a giant "Welcome Now United" banner hung proudly below it. As they walked inside through the heavy glass doors, Bailey "forgot" to hold the door open for Shivani and the door hit her arms knocking her bags to the floor.

"Oh my goodness, I am so sorry. I did not mean to do that." Bailey walked over to helped Shivani pick up her stuff as the rest of the group walked into the elevator heading up to the main meeting room. That stupid smirk was still on his face and Shivani, though she had just met Bailey, could already tell that he did not accidentally forget to hold the door. In fact he seemed like the type of guy that would go out of his way to have these "accidents."

"It's fine, I got it." Shivani quickly grabbed her stuff and got up walking away from Bailey towards the elevator. 

"Yo. I, uh, think you dropped this." Shivani heard stifled laughter behind her and turned around. She saw Bailey holding a picture and she reached out to grab it from him so he held it higher. Shivani made a grab for it - what was his deal? "Hey, I would really appreciate my picture back please." Bailey just laughed and held it higher. "Um, can you give it back?" Bailey shook his head, "The thing is, I really think this picture brings out the best in you, you know? The chubby cheeks, the weird expression...really just the whole thing..." He burst out laughing again and as he moved his hand to grab his stomach Shivani grabbed the photo and stomped towards the elevator. 

She could hear Bailey's footsteps behind her so she ran into the elevator and tried to press the close button. Bailey's hand shot through the doors and sadly he was riding up with her. Shivani wanted to scream. "Okay, I really don't know what your deal is, but can you just not?" Bailey raised his eyebrows, "What do you mean? What am I doing?" He took a step towards Shivani, away from the elevator doors he was standing between, not breaking eye contact, and Shivani could feel the heat in her cheeks. "You're, you're just-" 

Thankfully at that exact moment another group of Now United Hopefuls had made it to XIX Entertainment and they entered the elevator. There was a girl with beautiful curls and big smile on her face, a boy with a bandana wrapped around his blonde hair, and a girl with straight, long hair who Shivani was surprised to find kind of resembled her.

The first girl introduced herself as Any Gabrielly from Brazil, the boy was Joshua Beauchamp from the United States, and third girl was Sabina Hidalgo from Mexico. Shivani and Bailey also introduced themselves as the button to floor 14 was finally pressed and the elevator began its rapid ascent.

"So whatup guys? You nervous?" Josh smiled and looked around. 

Bailey shook head. "Nah bro I was born ready." He pasted a smirk on his face and Shivani rolled her eyes. Of course he said that. 

"I'm super nervous," Any said and Shivani liked her even more for that. "I love singing, but the dancing makes me nervous and I'm scared for all the talent that I'll be around."

Though Shivani would never admit it, she did partially already know who Josh was. She watched lots of YouTube videos and she had seen him dancing Kyle Hanagami choreography and Wildabeast choreography alongside Kaycee Rice and Sean Lew, two dancers she idolized. She kept this fangirl moment to herself, however, managing to squeak out a "Me too!" as the elevator doors opened.

Her eyes widened as she looked at the floor they had stopped in.

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