Ch 15: Why

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I actually feel like Why by Shawn Mendes accurately describes Noah and Shivani's relationship at this point in the fanfic. Enjoy reading :)

Shivani took a deep breath in. The limo ride was bumpy and the nerves had started to set in. She was sitting next to Noah and Ashlee, the farmer girl from Ohio. Across from Noah was Sina and and AC was next to Sina, across from Shivani. The other people were sitting in a different part of the limo.

The tension and nerves were palpable. This was their first real test to see if they could handle a group like Now United and all the other stuff that came with being in a successful pop group. If there was no group chemistry, then there was no way they could all work together and represent the message of unity that Now United would be about. So far the dynamics on the limo were a little odd.

Sina kept sneaking glances at Noah and nervously smiling. Noah was oblivious, staring outside the window. He kept shaking his leg, accidentally bumping Shivani every so often. AC was clearly nervous, talking softly to Sina every so often. The real awkwardness was sitting beside Shivani - Ashlee.

"So like do you wear a dot on your forehead every day?" Ashlee spoke slowly, painfully enunciating every. single. word.

"Nope." Shivani tried her best to not engage with Ashlee. For some reason this was making her more anxious than usual.


"Well I do for special occasions and holidays. It's called a bindi."

"Wow. And do you like worship cows?"

"Nope. Cows are protected and revered because they are considered a sacred symbol of life. They aren't our gods though."

"So what's your religion? I mean not to put you on the spot or anything, but what do you pray to?"


"Ashlee do you mind?" Noah looked over to Ashlee shaking his head. "I think maybe we should focus on calming our nerves."

"Oh I'm sorry did I offend you, Shivani? I'm just curious that's all."

Shivani awkwardly smiled.

There was silence for all of one minute during which time Noah went back to staring outside the window. He bumped his leg against Shivani's, but he left his leg against hers this time. Sina noticed and a look of hurt crossed her face and Shivani shifted around uncomfortably to get away from Noah, giving Sina a small smile.

"You know what everyone's problem is?" Ashlee paused as Noah continued staring out the window, Sina and AC continued staring down, and Shivani tried not to make eye contact, "Everyone is too damn PC. Politically correct. If I have a question, I will ask it. And that does not make me racist, or sexist, or problematic. It makes me human. So don't call me out for my curiosity Noah."

"Are you serious?" Noah frowned as he turned towards Ashlee. "If you want to learn something about someone be friends with them. Don't treat them like Google and ask them to clarify all the stereotypes you have about their culture."

Ashlee scoffed. "Excuse me? I mean honestly the great thing about this country, a country we are all privileged to be in right now, is that we have the freedom of speech."

"We have the freedom to say many things Ashlee, but respecting people is something people with moral compasses do." Noah shook his head.

Shivani felt awkward and didn't know what she should say.

"Are you suggesting I don't have a moral compass?"

"No, but what you're saying and the arguments you're making are reminiscent of the arguments a lot of hate groups are making right now so I would be careful about that."

Ashlee rolled her eyes.

Things got super quiet and Shivani looked down at her hands. There was no way this evening would go well, not with all this tension. The limo ride was only supposed to be about 10 minutes, but they had been caught in the infamous LA traffic so it had already been 20 minutes.

The limo had started to move again until the driver braked suddenly. Shivani lurched forward but something held her back from falling into AC's lap. It was Noah's arm that had stretched out in front of Shivani and held her. Ashlee had grabbed Shivani's arm to keep from falling forward and Sina and AC were smart enough to wear their seatbelts.

The driver's voice came through the limo speakers making sure everyone was okay and letting them know a car had suddenly come in front of them. He also let them know that they were about 10 minutes away from reaching.

"You okay?" Noah looked over at Shivani who nodded. For some reason his arm was still protectively holding her in place. She noticed Sina and she hoped Sina wasn't reading into her and Noah' s friendship.

"Hey Sina? I'm a little nauseous. Do you mind switching seats with me? I think sitting in a different orientation will help me."

"Uh sure. Of course." Sina gave Shivani a little smile clearly confused.

Noah moved his hand and turned towards Shivani. "Are you okay? Do you need some water or anything?"

"I'm good, I think sitting in the opposite direction will help me." She and Sina switched places and Shivani smiled. Her plan as Cupid was going well so far.

Sina asked Noah question and Shivani relaxed back into her seat looking outside the window. She saw another limo next to them, but she couldn't tell who was in it because of the tinted windows. She saw the Capitol Records building and so many cars around her. It was dark, but she was surprised she could actually see some stars in the LA sky. Noah and Sina were talking about something and Ashlee was on her phone, sulking. AC was pretty quiet. As far as Shivani could tell she seemed like a sweet girl, but she didn't really know anything about her.


AC looked up at Shivani. "Hey."

"So I know we haven't gotten to know each other super well, but how are you feeling about tonight?"

"I'm a little nervous honestly. I'm also a little scared of..." AC glanced subtly at Ashlee.

"Honestly same."

"Before tonight she came up to me and she cornered me with questions too. And all of them were offensive, but I figured that's just how people here talk you know? But like clearly not because Noah is nothing like that." AC was whispering so softly that Shivani had to struggle to hear.

"Yeah I'm a little worried too especially for the group Q and A part of the night."

"Yeah. Honestly I hope it just goes well, and it'll be over soon."

They shared a small smile as the limo slowed down. The driver announced that they had arrived and once the limo in front of them finished unloading, they would be walking the red carpet and posing for papparazzi.

Shivani assumed Sina and Noah would be walking out together, so she figured she could walk with AC. As their limo pulled up the red carpet, the first set of pairs walked out with Nicolette and Nishan walking out. Kenneth walked out and Ashlee joined him next. Sina made a move to walk out and AC and Shivani waited for Noah to follow. He was busy staring down at the ground, until Shivani decided to follow Sina.

She felt Noah's hand reach for her arm, "Wait aren't we going out together? You know partners and all?"

"Oh I think maybe we should switch it up so they can see our chemistry with different people you know? Actually maybe you should go with Sina and I'll go with AC."

"Uh well they'll get to see our group chemistry later anyways you know?"

"Yeah, but... you should go! Before Sina ends up walking alone."

"Are-are you sure?" Noah had a look of confusion on his face, but Shivani nodded. He sighed and followed Sina.

Cupid moment number two was a success and just like that it was Shivani and AC's turn to walk the red carpet and for the night to begin. And boy would it be a night to remember.

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