Ch 20: Who Says

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"Noah, Shivani. Thank you both." Simon sighed deeply. He had their headshots in front of him. Not just their headshots, but everyone's headshots. "I'll be honest, I discounted both of you a little bit initially, but... I was pleasantly surprised. I don't have feedback I can give you right now, but I do want to tell you both that tomorrow morning, if you aren't eliminated tonight, you will need to perform a dance piece of your own choosing. It'll be an individual event, but it has to be representative of who you are and what your skills are."

Shivani already knew she was going to perform on "Rajvaadi Odhni," a dance she'd been rehearsing for a while. But Simon had insinuated twice now that she had not been his top pick. Things weren't looking great for her right now. 

"Then after that, you will have the opportunity to share any musical talents you have. Whether that means playing a guitar, singing, or rapping, anything musical, you can share it with us. I want to emphasize that dancing is the most important element we look for in a Now United member, but being talented in multiple fields will increase your chances." Simon gestured to the panel sitting beside him, "I will say that you two have expressed a lot of heart so far and we have all noticed that. Not just today, but throughout your time here. Good luck and please sent AC and Sina in next!"

The panel all congratulated them and Noah and Shivani walked out of the room. For some reason Shivani's heart felt heavier now. Oh well, it was what it was. As soon as they were out of the room, Noah turned to Shivani. "So now I'm officially scared."

"Me too."

"I it just me, or did Simon seem like he was ready to kick us out of here." Noah was whispering so softly, Shivani could barely make out what he'd just said.

"Yeah... look let's talk about it after we send AC and Sina in, okay?"

They both walked into the room and everyone immediately turned to them. 

Thankfully Noah remained calm. "AC and Sina, they're ready for you guys now." 

"Oh thanks." Sina got up and walked over to Noah. "How'd it go?"

He just shrugged, "Um it went. I guess. Good luck."

She smiled, "Thanks!" Sina tried to go in for a hug at the same time that Noah went in for a high five, and he ended up hitting her in.... well let's just say not where he meant to. Thankfully everyone else in the room had gone back to talking and rehearsing so they didn't see what had happened. 

"Oh my god I am so sorry." He turned bright red and Sina awkwardly laughed. 

"It's fine. See you later." She turned to wait for AC and Noah was turning redder by the second. 

Shivani walked over to AC and gave her a hug. "Good luck, you got this." 

AC smiled, "Thanks." 

She walked over to Sina and they both left the room. Noah was apparently still embarrassed by his earlier interaction with Sina and he was still standing in the middle of the room looking like a tomato. Shivani grabbed his water bottle and walked over to him.

"Noah!" He turned towards her, clearly a little shaken up. "Here." She handed him his water bottle which he took then chugged half of. "Woah slow down there buddy."

He stopped drinking water and his eyes widened. "I can't help it! Did you see what I just did! Oh my god today is just... today is just not my day." He walked over to the same corner he was sitting in earlier that day and Shivani followed him and sat down next to him.

"Look it was an accident, and it really wasn't as bad as you think it was. I'm serious." She put an arm on his shoulder. "Seriously Noah, don't stress." 

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