Ch 24: All I Want

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Bailey looked intrigued. "You were fighting over little old me? I mean I really can't blame you two, but I'm not really into guys." He started laughing like he made a really funny joke.

"Okay first of all, thank you for returning back to your usual egotistical self. Second of all, we weren't fighting over you necessarily... it was more Noah getting mad that you and I had a thing."

Bailey laughed, "Well isn't this just a classic case of jealousy!" He clapped his hands together. "I'm not going to say I told you so, but I did say Noah had feelings for you... and well he does!"

"Well I don't think it's that because he seemed more upset that I picked - and I loosely quote - 'a guy like Bailey' because he didn't think I was that type of girl whatever that means!" She sighed.

After a minute of silence, Bailey finally spoke. "Can I be honest?"

Shivani nodded.

"I think that it has nothing to do with me and everything to do with you. I mean, and I'll admit this, was I always super sweet and nice to you? That's debatable."

Shivani scoffed. "More like that's a no. But go on."

"Yeah yeah whatever. Anyway, I wasn't the worst and it's not like any of us really interacted right?"

Shivani nodded, but she had absolutely no idea where Bailey was headed with this.

"Okay so based on his limited observation of me, he hates me that much? Enough to say I'm not good enough for you and not even try to get to know me first?" Bailey shrugged.

"He is my friend and I think that's a normal friend reaction!"

"Hina's your friend right?"

"Yeah... how'd you know?"

"I pay attention." He shrugged like it was no big deal. "Anyways, is she also super against you dating me? Does she hate me?"

"Well we did become friends the night you kissed me and I was trying to get away from you... but no I guess you're right." Shivani sighed and then she had a sudden urge to just yell. "IT'S NOT FAIR!"

Bailey laughed. "What that your best guy friend likes you? Been there done that." Shivani assumed he meant in the past because there was no way he was talking about their relationship. Unless... no! She quickly brushed that thought out of her mind.

"I've never had a guy friend before! And the second I get one this has to happen. I don't understand why he would like me... I mean it just doesn't make sense!"

"Well I wouldn't sell yourself so short."


Bailey cleared his throat. "I mean you're not ugly."

"Gee. Thanks Bailey." Well wasn't this nice? Bailey was really helping her self esteem right now. This was super. Absolutely super! Not.

"Yeah okay anyways, guys like Noah are the kind who fall for their friends. They need a deep emotional connection to form and that generally means a friend connection. So I would take it as a compliment - he really likes you because he thinks you both have a great connection."

"Huh that's weirdly insightful. Okay so how do I convince a guy like Noah that what we have is purely friendship?"

Bailey laughed. "I keep forgetting you've never had to friendzone someone before. What we're doing might hurt him in the short run, but if he sees you moving on he'll close that door by himself. Now what would make it easier is if you set him up with someone."

"Oh you mean like Sina?"

Bailey nodded.

"Okay but you remember the United Ball thing we had? Well I tried to play Cupid there, but it didn't really end up working out."

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