Ch 33: FDT

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I just wanted to say today is a good day and I hope you're happy today! xx

Shivani felt her stomach grumble. She and Bailey were supposed to grab food before they talked to Hina, but Bailey had texted her saying he was running late and would meet her at Hina's room in an hour. Shivani was nervous that she would run into Hina when she went back into her room, but Hina wasn't there when Shivani got back.

An hour later Bailey knocked on the door and sat awkwardly on the edge of Hina's bed because the chair in their room had a pile of clothes, and Shivani sat on the edge of her bed. Then Hina came in and was surprised to find them in her room, but somehow between Bailey and Shivani, they managed to tell Hina what was happening and what Ylona had done. Hina was silent.

Bailey was looking nervously at Hina and he refused to make eye contact with Shivani. Shivani didn't really know what to say.

Finally Hina spoke. "Are you sure?" Shivani couldn't tell what her tone meant, but there was something very firm about the way she said it.

Then Hina looked up and made eye contact with Shivani. "Do you trust him?"

Shivani nodded. "Yeah I do." She glanced over at Bailey who was still refusing to make eye contact with her.

Hina sighed and then she slowly nodded. "I need to break up with her."

"Hina, are you okay?" Shivani put her hand on Hina's shoulder.

Hina nodded. "I'll be fine." Then she looked at Bailey. "I'm sorry for what happened to you. I really am."

Bailey nodded. "Erm thanks."

"Would it be okay if I had a moment to myself?" Hina's voice was still very calm.

"Are you sure? Hina you know you can talk to me right?"

Hina nodded. "Yes. But right now I think I need to process it for myself."

"If you're sure..."

"I am."

Bailey finally looked at Shivani and shrugged. They both got up and Hina turned away to look out the window.

Shivani was waiting for Bailey to leave first, but he wasn't budging so Shivani walked out first. She opened the door and waited for Bailey on the other side, but when she turned around she saw that he had pulled Hina into a hug. Shivani couldn't see her face, but Hina was shaking. She thought about the time she ran into Bailey before the United Ball and he wasn't sure how to deal with tears, but now he knew exactly what to do with Hina. She decided to give them some time alone. And now she had a new mission. Ylona.

There was absolutely no way that Ylona would get away with hurting Hina. And Bailey and his sister. She needed to talk to Ylona and she just had to hope that she wouldn't make things worse.

She remembered that Hina had mentioned where Ylona's room was to her once and Shivani hoped she was right. She knocked on room 2345. The girl who opened the door was definitely not Ylona. She seemed younger, but she smiled when she saw Shivani.

"Hi! Can I help you?" She had a strong British accent and looked a little younger. She had dark wavy hair up to her shoulders, was wearing a Taylor Swift 1989 Tour shirt, a pair of high-waisted cutoffs, and some beat-up high tops. The wings on her eyeliner was perfect and she was wearing bright red lipstick.

"Hi...sorry. I was looking for someone, but I think I got the wrong room."

The girl smiled. "Yeah this hotel is really big so I totally get it! I'm Maya by the way."

Shivani smiled. "I'm Shivani."

"Shivani? Like the Shivani who is auditioning for Now United?"

Shivani nodded. " did you know?"

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