Ch 21: Wicked Game

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"Eliminations?" Bailey repeated.

Sabina nodded. "I'll see you guys in the studio." She waved to Joalin, who was passing by, and walked into the studio with her.

He and Shivani looked at each other, their eyes wide.

"If I go home, it's your fault."

"My fault? Excuse me Bailey, but thanks to all your drama this week, I haven't rehearsed as much as I should have!"

"My f- I guess I deserve that one." Bailey sighed. "Sorry I think I'm just stressed."

"Yeah I get it. Look there's nothing we can do about it now."

Bailey got a smirk on his face. "Well...what do you say we make a statement? Show Simon what he's missing."

"No Bailey I will not kiss you in front of Simon."

Bailey laughed. "Kiss me? Ew no."

Okay that was a little offensive, he really didn't need to say "ew." But whatever.

Bailey held his hand out. "I'm talking about showing Simon we have formed an emotional connection. You know fake till you make it?"

Shivani thought about it for a second. On one hand, there was Noah and his feelings to consider. On the other hand, if he did actually like her...


"Okay?" Bailey seemed surprised, but when Shivani took his hand he gave her a light squeeze.

For some weird reason, it did feel like they were in this together. They walked into the studio hand in hand and Shivani could feel people's glances toward Bailey and she. She looked down and let Bailey guide her to the corner.

"Hey Bailey?" She whispered so all the people near them wouldn't accidentally hear.


"Can we stop holding hands now?"

"You want to sell it don't you?"

"Yeah...but I feel weird. And your hand is sweaty."

"It is not!"

"Well seeing as I'm the one holding it, I really think I would know better."

"Fine whatever." Bailey dropped Shivani's hand, clearly offended. He really was so irritable all the time.

At this point the room was almost full with Now United hopefuls and everyone was nervously talking waiting for Kyle or Simon to come in. For the most part people had stopped staring at Bailey and Shivani, though Shivani was scared to look too long in case she made eye contact with Noah or Hina or AC.


Oh no, please don't let it be- Shivani looked up. Yup it was Noah. "Hey... Noah."

"Hina and I called your name when you walked in, but..." he glanced at Bailey who was busy ignoring Shivani, "I guess you were too busy."

"Sorry I think I'm just nervous about everything. Did you hear they're doing eliminations?"

Noah nodded. "I heard that rumor, but," his voice dropped down to a whisper now, "there's something I need to talk to you about."

"Oh um right now?"

"Yeah, I think we should do this sooner know in case...uh I guess what I'm trying to say is-do you mind if we talk over there." He pointed to an empty corner.

"Uh sure." Shivani was half way up when she felt Bailey's arm go around her and pull her down.

"Sorry Noah if you don't mind, Shivani and I were just talking about something important. Maybe you can talk to her later?" Bailey's tone was downright condescending at this point.

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