Ch 6: Hero

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Disclaimer: Given recent events with Bailey and the controversy surrounding Gio's livestream, I am no longer sure that I support the Shivley ship. At the end of the day, I love and support Shivani first and foremost. I didn't release a chapter on Tuesday because I was not sure if I would continue writing it, but this takes place in a time before all the drama. Hopefully through this fan-fiction, I can convey why I love Shivani and the representation she brings to Now United more than the ship aspect of it all. Having said that, if anyone has any feedback, please leave comment!

"Okay, let's start off easy. Middle name?"

"I actually don't have one."

"Really?" Noah raised an inquisitive eyebrow at Shivani.

"Yeah. In India many people don't have middle names, and if they do, they generally tend to be their dad's first names."

"That's actually really interesting! Middle names are kind of something I just took for granted, you know? Kind of like Christmas or high school dances. And as I'm saying that, I realize that that's probably not a given for you?" 

"Haha yeah you're not wrong. For me the givens are - you are vegetarian unless proven otherwise and Holi is a national holiday, but I'm assuming that's not a universal truth." Shivani shrugged playfully.

Noah laughed. "I've only asked you one question and I already feel like I've learned so much."

Shivani smiled, "Okay, it's my turn! What made you decide to start singing?"

"Okay so not to sound like fake deep or anything, but it was never really a decision. I guess I was always like moving around and my parents tried to get to play sports - they tried soccer and basketball and hockey and surfing, but nothing stuck. I think they sort of gave up, but then we went to watch my sister's musical and I could not stop singing the songs in the car. Then the next week I made up a dance to the song and performed it for them. From then on I think I had decided that's what my thing would be and here I am!" Noah laughed, "I just gave you my abbreviated life story and you probably did not want to know that much about me."

"Au contraire my friend, I think that's awesome. I used to play football, or soccer as you say, in a girl's league in India and that was my passion for a while. Growing up, however, I danced for a Bollywood dance team and I started out really loving it, but somewhere along the way I was dancing for other people's validation and not doing it for myself and the competitiveness drove me to hate dancing. So I actually focused on just playing soccer, but when I started dancing for fun recently, I fell in love with it all over again and that was the push I needed to apply for Now United. So yeah." Shivani smiled, "I also totally realized you didn't ask me that, but you're really easy to talk to."

Noah smiled, "Same. Also we're playing the system because we're getting twice as many questions out of it. Okay this is a fun fact, but I actually once met Alex Morgan because I was on this TV show that she produced called the Kicks and I had to pretend to be good at soccer."

"Was the main actress Sixx Orange by any chance?"

"Uhhh yes. How did you know?"

"Omg I loved Alex Morgan of course I watched that show. You were on it?"

"Um yes. I played the hot, dreamy guy, naturally of course."

"Right, well, it must've been pretty forgettable because I don't remember you, just saying." Shivani laughed.

"And just like the gloves came off Shivani Paliwal. Oof if that's the way you want to play it, I don't know if I can grow the trust." Noah started laughing and pretended that he was being stabbed in the chest. "Also just for that Shivani, you will be forced to follow me wherever I go!"

"Noah whaaaaa-" Shivani arm that was handcuffed to Noah's was yanked forward by Noah suddenly. "Noahhh what are you doing?? NOAH!" Shivani laughed as Noah made his way into different rooms, then all of a sudden he started running.

"Bet you regret that breach of trust now, eh Shivani?" Noah started running while laughing hysterically as Shivani tried to keep up. Noah was crazy and funny and she just hoped her arm was not about to be ripped off. 

All of a sudden she felt herself slam into Noah's back. "Ow! Noah what the heck? Are you trying to kill me?"

"Well maybe if you learned how to act your age you wouldn't be in so much pain. You know some of us are trying to follow instructions here." Shivani knew that was Bailey's snooty British accent she looked up to see him standing right in front of her. Next to him was Joalin who gave an awkward laugh.

"Of course you're here. Do you have anything to do other than making my life miserable? Oh that's right of course you do! You could be staring at yourself in the mirror!" Shivani angrily shot back.

Noah and Joalin looked between Bailey and Shivani uncomfortably before Noah cleared his throat, "Well you know that was my bad, Shivani here was just dragging me along and I was along for the ride, as usual." Noah shrugged and winked at Shivani.

Shivani shook her head, "Well look who's breaching the trust now Noah," except she had a glint in her eye.

"Whatever, just stay out of our way next time." Bailey stomped off with Joalin and Noah and Shivani were left standing in the hallway.

"I just want to say I am so so sorry. And that I don't know why he's such a jerk to you, but as your trusted partner in crime, I got your back." Noah smiled at Shivani who smiled back.

"Thanks. I just don't understand him, but whatever you know. Should we go next door and finish the exercise?"

Noah smiled and they walked next door. Shivani was confused about Bailey, but she would not let him get to her, which would be considerably easier with Noah by her side.

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