Ch 22: you broke me first.

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"Okay so let's think this through. Who do we know that will most probably, basically definitely, make Now United?" Noah pulled out a notebook from his backpack and a blue G-20 pilot pen, definitely the best pens ever made.

"Well that's easy." Hina stuffed some popcorn into her face, pausing to chew. "Any from Brazil."

"Really?" Noah raised his eyebrows.

Hina nodded. "Definitely. Rumor has it she is the voice of Moana in Brazil and that she can really sing. Also she's the only one left from Brazil."

Right now Noah, Hina, and Shivani were sitting in Hina, and now basically also Shivani's room. They were eating some snacks that Noah had brought from his room. It had been an hour since the first round of eliminations had been announced, and now Noah and Hina were trying to make sense of these groups.

"I mean I'm sure there aren't any guarantees. Besides we're not even done auditioning yet!" Shivani sat down next to Hina and Noah on the floor.

Hina patted Shivani's head. "Oh little one...So innocent. So pure."

Shivani gave her a strange look, "What do you mean?"

"I mean...not all of us are auditioning at the same level of uncertainty. There are some people who are pretty much guaranteed a spot on Now United...we just have to figure out who they are." Hina said it so matter-of-factly that for the millionth time Shivani wondered if she should tell them about Josh being a "lock."

Noah nodded. "Exactly." He wrote down Any's name and the letter A next to it as well.

"Also write down Sina," Hina said.

"Really?" Shivani raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah I mean think about it. We started the week off with three Germans which means that they really want someone from Germany in Now United and now she's the only one left." Hina shrugged. "Besides, I think Simon think she has a certain amount of swag and...well, it doesn't hurt that a certain someone is starting to be shipped with her."

Hina winked at Noah who was turning bright red. Shivani smiled. That meant that Josh probably wasn't a lock for Now United and if Shivani continued playing cupid between Sina and Noah, she could help them fall in love and help him be in the group. Wow this was perfect! Except Noah didn't really seem to agree with that...

"You know I don't really get where people are getting their information from. There's really nothing happening between us!" He looked nervously over at Shivani, but he couldn't hold eye contact for long.

Hina laughed, "Well, duh. I mean realistically if you do get into Now United, the last you want is to be dating someone...I mean, hello? Major drama! It's just the perception that you can be shipped by fans that matters."

Huh? Was Hina right? That sounded awfully similar to what Bailey had said. Bailey...who Shivani was now fake dating for the shipping. This was a strange journey to say the least.

"Okay anyways...I think Diarra and Krystian are probably locked in too," Noah said.

Hina nodded, "Yes for sure. I heard Diarra won a bunch of singing competitions in Senegal and she's the only one Simon brought back from Senegal so that's looking good."

Shivani was now acutely aware of the fact that Arshia was still here also competing to represent India in Now United. At this point, Shivani had started to accept the fact that maybe she wouldn't be in the group, but...she could at least help her friends make it into Now United.

"Okay so that leaves us with...," Noah glanced down at his list, "Any, Sina, Diarra, and Krystian and they are all... well, they're all in Group A."

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