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It's been a while but my flight was delayed three hours so here's another part!

It was 6:00 am and Shivani felt like she had been hit by a truck. It was way too early to be awake much less loading her bag into a bus and being filmed. All 14 members of Now United were waiting by the bus and unfortunately, everyone's yawning was so contagious that Shivani barely ended a yawn before starting another one.

They were all standing near the people they were supposed to be "shipped" with which meant that Shivani was stuck next to Bailey who unfortunately looked more awake than ever. Shivani was mid-yawn for what seemed like the billionth time when she felt the weight of an arm on her shoulders. "What the-," she started, but she stopped talking when she saw a camera approaching and realized Bailey had already started acting. 

With one arm around Shivani, Bailey smiled straight at the camera. "Hello, Uniters! We're currently flying out to San Francisco and we're so excited to perform for you all! Right Shivani?"

Shivani was not prepared for that and she just started dumbly into the camera before processing what Bailey had said. She got out a "Yeah definitely!" before the cameraman decided to take pity on her and moved on to Joalin and Krystian. As soon as the camera moved, Bailey's arm dropped from around Shivani and he took a step back to lean against the bus. They had to wait for everyone to be recorded before they could go sit on the bus. 

"You could've given me like a second of warning before you dropped your heavy arm on me, you know?" Shivani grumbled. It was too early to be awake. 

Bailey smirked and flexed. Yes he actually flexed. Shivani was already nauseous and this just made things so much worse. "Are you complimenting my muscles?" he asked with a self-satisfied smirk,

"Obviously not. I'm just saying if we have to do this shipping thing for the entire tour, we need to be on the same page. Just give me like a 5 second heads-up next time." 

"Fine." Bailey paused for a minute. "You have eyes too, you know?"

"Oh really? I had no idea."

"I figured because you could have seen the cameraman when I did. So there was no reason for me to warn you," Bailey said in an annoying matter-of-fact way.

"Well I clearly didn't so maybe next time don't assume." Shivani assumed they would just stop talking and exist in silence, but of course Bailey always felt the need to push every single button. What happened to the nice Bailey she knew?

"You seem like you need to sleep."

"Wow that was some top notch mystery solving Detective Bailey!"

"You could put your head on my big strong shoulder," he said in a mocking way.

Shivani rolled her eyes. Just then Shawn clapped her hands together and asked for everyone's attention. "Hello everyone! I'm so excited to announce the official start of the Dreams Come True tour!" Everyone cheered at that and Shawn waited for them to quiet down before she dramatically pointed at the bus and said, "Alright now technically you can sit wherever you would like to, but if you have a ship, please sit next to them! We will be filming at random points during the trip!"

Shivani groaned, but unfortunately it wasn't in her head and everyone turned to look at her then Bailey and silently laugh. She felt her cheeks turn red and she heard Bailey mumble, "Well you're no peach yourself."

She didn't know what Bailey was complaining about. He was the one who was bugging her, it was so not the other way around. 

Noah was unfortunately somewhere towards the back so she couldn't see him and Sina, but when it was quiet she could hear him laugh occasionally and she was glad that he was doing okay, all things considered of course.

Shawn stepped back from the entrance and motioned for them all to sit on the bus and Bailey went in before Shivani did. He walked straight to the back of the bus, but Shivani tugged his sleeve when they were halfway, "Wait, Bailey can we sit towards the middle? I get motion sick and unless you want me to vomit all over your pants, I think we should avoid the back."

He made a big show of rolling his eyes, but he nodded towards the two seats next to them and gestured to her to go in first. "I'll take the aisle," he said.

"But I want the aisle."

"You already wanted the middle and we have to compromise Shivani. Your words not mine," he said smirking. 

Unfortunately he did have a point so Shivani took the window seat and Bailey took the aisle, but once he sat down and got comfortable, he took it upon him to manspread. "Seriously?" Shivani asked.

"What's wrong?" Bailey asked, feigning innocence.

"You're man-spreading."

"Okay and...?"

"And it's annoying!" Shivani spat back.

"Deal with it." That's all Bailey said before he put his airpods in his ear and closed his eyes. Fantastic.

Just then Shivani saw Noah walk on the bus with Sina next to him. "Noah!" she yelled out. At that Bailey's eyes flew open and his gaze hardened.

When Noah saw Shivani he smiled and took the seat directly in front of her. Thank god.

Right before Noah sat down, he and Bailey shared a strange sort of look. But then he looked at Shivani and motioned for her to stand so she did and he gave her a hug over the seat.

Bailey laughed. "Noah, dude, you're stealing my girl."

"I think you mean my girl, Bailey." Noah said this in a less joking way than Bailey did as he stepped out of the hug.

"You men and your testosterone," Shivani said and sat down.

Bailey leaned in and whispered, "You have 8 hours on the bus to fully learn about men and our testosterone so have fun with that!"

Shivani groaned and closed her eyes. She was determined to sleep through most of this trip. 

Shivley: A Now United StoryWhere stories live. Discover now