Ch 8: Unbelievable

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"So," Bailey cleared his throat, "How are you doing?"

"Fine. Great. Amazing. Can you just get on with it?" Shivani didn't understand what Bailey was trying to do.

"Right. Okay so first of all, I just want to say, I am really sorry."

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Your sort of girlfriend wants you to be nice to me. WE KNOW. Can you just tell me what you want to say so I can go?"

"No Shivani I'm being serious right now. I'm sorry. I have been an asshole to you."

"Can you just not with the theatrics? Wait, are we on camera?" Shivani looked around her. She knew they were filming a Now United Documentary so she scanned the room for cameras.

"No there aren't any cameras. I mean it. I'm sorry."


"Okay so you clearly don't like me which is understandable, I mean at first, I didn't like you at all. I thought you were full of it, irritating-"

"I really love hearing about all the reasons you hate me. This has been lovely. Really. But I'm going go now, so have fun doing whatever it is sadistic people love doing." Shivani stood up to walk away.

"Wait!" Bailey ran up and stood in front of her.

"Excuse you?"

"Look I'm sorry okay? I don't do this usually."

"You're not usually rude to people? You don't waste people's time for no reason? Hmm... because it honestly seems pretty on brand to me." Shivani rolled her eyes to emphasize her point.

"No. I mean communicating with people. It's easier for me to push people away because-"

"Wait no let me guess. Because deep down you're just a good guy who doesn't want people to see the vulnerable side of him because you're scared if people get too close they'll leave you and you'll end up alone. Right?"

Bailey furrowed his brow. "No Shivani that's not what-"

"Oh please I've seen enough American teenage movies to know a cliché when I see one. You just want to manipulate me because you can and honestly you're giving me a headache." Shivani didn't know where she was getting this courage from, but Bailey always managed to bring out the worst in her.

"Shivani! Can you just listen to me for one second?"


"Okay so what I was trying to say is that I'm sorry I'm an asshole. I don't know how to be friends with people and right now there's this girl I like and I don't know how to tell her and I'm pretty sure she hates me."

"Aw I wouldn't be so hard on yourself. I'm sure she despises you."

"Okay I guess I deserved that, but look I just wanted to tell you that-"

"That you realized I'm a girl and because you've already used me as your personal punching bag it'll be easy for you to practice being nice on me? Well whatever I'll help you. I like Joalin and if she's stuck being partnered with you, the least I can do is help her."

"Well that's not-"

"Look it's no big deal. We'll practice. What are you doing at 9pm tonight?"

"Meeting you?"

"Cool okay 9pm in the hotel lobby?"

"Sounds good! I can't wait!"

"Whatever." Shivani walked towards the lunchroom confused as ever.

Bailey on the other hand couldn't figure out why Shivani thought he liked Joalin. If he was braver he would've told her he meant her not Joalin. 

Bailey sighed. Maybe he would tell her tonight, with that he followed Shivani to grab lunch wondering why he felt so nervous all of a sudden.

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