Ch 9: Friends

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Shivani walked into the lunchroom making a beeline towards Noah who was talking to Sina. As soon as he saw her he waved. "Hey! I got you the vegetarian burrito."

"Aw you remembered that I'm vegetarian?"

"Yeah...dude you told me like yesterday." Shivani smiled, Noah really was a good friend.

Just then Bailey walked through the doors and continued walking towards Shivani, Sina, and Noah.

"Hey guys. What's up?"

"Uhhh..." Shivani didn't know how to respond. What was happening?

Thankfully Sina didn't miss a beat and she smiled, "Nothing much, but you might want to grab a burrito before they all run out." She pointed to the nearly empty burrito table set up in the corner.

Bailey nodded. "Right. Shivani you want to help me pick one out?"

Noah gave Shivani a weird look and she just shrugged. "Uhh sorry I have to talk to Noah about some stuff. Partner stuff. Maybe Sina can help you...?"

Sina smiled. "Of course! Let's go." She gently grabbed Bailey's arm and pulled him towards the table as he looked back nervously at Shivani.

"Okay, what's happening? One second this guy hates you and the next he wants you to help him pick out a burrito?" Noah turned towards Shivani clearly confused.

"He also wants me to help him pick up a girl," Shivani muttered.

"What? Did you say you're helping him 'pick up a girl'?"

"Yeah he liked Joalin and he needs some tips on how to be nicer and I guess because he's already been rude to me he's fine using me as a practice punching bag? I have no idea." Shivani shrugged. "I'm meeting him tonight in the hotel lobby to help him."

"You're meeting him? Bring garlic, I hear it scares the zombies away." Noah dramatically put out his arms and made zombie noises, "Bleh. I am Bailey May and I will eat you, bleh bleh bleh."

Shivani laughed, "Don't worry I can take him."

"I believe you, but, uh, do you want to me come with you?"

"Would you really?"

"For my partner? Anything. Also I can't have Bailey killing you before we complete our second task, whatever it is."

"You're the best Noah! Bailey could actually learn a lot about kindness and how to treat a girl from you."

Noah awkwardly laughed, "Yeah well, I'm not exactly the smoothest of operators when it comes to girls. I can never really tell them how I feel and all these feelings happen and oh! I just get nervous."

"I totally get, you know? I mean I've never dated someone before, let alone had my first kiss or even held hands with someone romantically you know?"


"Yeah I mean I guess it's not hard to believe, but maybe one day I'll find someone. Until them I guess I'm stuck with you." Shivani feigned a look of exasperation and smiled, "But as far as friends go, you're a keeper."

Noah had a strange look on his face. "Right so about that..."

"Oh shoot! I totally forgot to ask you this, but you and Sina? Would you ever consider it? Because I would 100% ship that."

"What? Me and Sina? Why?"

"Okay well on the DL - she sort of likes you and she wanted me to talk to you about it. Actually funny story, she thought we were a thing, as if, I mean can't heterosexual platonic relationships exist?"

Noah laughed, a bit uncomfortably. "Right, of course, friends. But I don't really know Sina."

"We can make it happen! I happen to be an excellent wing woman. In fact, why don't you go rescue her from Bailey right now?"

"But I want to talk to you right now."

Shivani nudged Noah towards the burrito table where Bailey and Sina were still debating the merits of each burrito. "Seriously Noah, be brave and get your girl!"

Noah nervously looked back at Shivani and sighed. "Well, if that's what you want me to do." He walked towards Bailey and Sina, smiling. A strange look of relief crossed Bailey's face when Noah walked up to them and he quickly grabbed a burrito and walked straight up to Shivani.

"Hey." Bailey stood right in front of Shivani, awkwardly unwrapping his burrito.


"So I decided on chicken."

"I'm sorry?"

"The burrito, I mean. I mean it was either that or the vegetarian one and why would I grab the vegetarian one?"

"I'm vegetarian."

"OH right sorry I didn't know that."

"It's fine."

"I really can't say the right thing with you ever can I?" Bailey shook his head, "Maybe I am a bad person."

Shivani was still confused, but she also felt bad for Bailey - maybe he did deserve another chance. "Look you're not a bad person. Besides if I didn't give you another chance I think that would make me a bad person so let's start over yeah? Friends?" Shivani reached out her hand towards Bailey.

He took her hand, but he didn't let go immediately. "Listen there's kind of something I need to tell you." He sighed, "I-"

"Hello Now United Hopefuls!" Kyle's voice interrupted everyone talking and Bailey dropped Shivani's hand. "Congratulations on completing the first task! For the second task you will be preparing your partners for a red carpet event called the United Ball. In the real world the band will go to many red carpet events so we want to see how well you all do supporting your teammates throughout the journey. This evening you will pick outfits for each other and practice interview questions. Then tomorrow you will get your partners ready and our ball will happen tomorrow evening."

Excited chatter broke out as Shivani walked towards Noah and Sina. 

"Also it will be a masquerade ball and Simone and I will be amongst the crowd judging your conversational skills. I hope you all have fun with it! We'll see you all in the dressing room in 10 minutes!"

Sina waved bye to Shivani and Noah and walked to AC, her partner.

Noah smiled at Shivani, "We so got this challenge!"

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