Ch 10: Sparks Fly

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"How about this one?" Shivani walked out of the dressing room wearing the tenth dress she had tried on that evening.

Noah frowned. "Hmm... I mean, okay, it's good. But it's not great. See there's a certain-"

"Element of the outfit that clashes with my vibe? Yeah yeah I get it. If I wasn't honored that you care enough about me to see me in so many different outfits, I would be annoyed." Shivani hoisted the hem of her light pink, floor length dress and walked back inside.

There was only one more dress that she considered. It was deep red, a color she usually hated but actually complemented her skin tone. She put on the dress and looked at herself in the mirror. Hmm... there was something very different about it. It was an off the shoulder, crimson gown that flowed. Usually her dresses was cute, but something about this dress seemed to send a different signal. She wasn't sure what exactly that signal was, but oh well... Noah would probably tell her to change anyways.

She stepped outside and was surprised to find a small group waiting for her. Noah was talking to Sina and AC, Bailey, and Joalin were talking to each other.

"Hey Noah. What's the verdict on this dress?"

Noah turned to face Shivani and a tiny gasp escaped his mouth. 

"Yeah I figured. I'll go change, but I'm sort of out of dresses so you might have to find some more." Shivani was about to go into the dressing room when AC blurted out, "You look hot." Everyone looked at her. "What? It had to be said." 

"Uh...thanks?" Shivani had never been told she looked hot before. It was also cute and smiley and funny, but 'hot' felt too grown up.  

"She's right." Everyone turned to give Bailey a confused look. He cleared his throat, "Um I mean...that dress is better than the usual trash bags you wear."

Shivani was confused, but even as Bailey said that she could see how apologetic he was. She sighed, she would have to ask him about that tonight.

Noah laughed, "Well I think we found the dress." He walked up to Shivani, "So they're all waiting to use the dressing room because we took too long, but I figured I'd wear the suit we decided on and a crimson tie to match your dress?"

Shivani smiled, "Actually I have a better idea- SINA! Would you come over here for a second?" Sina nodded and walked over.

"Shivani? What are you doing? Shivani?" Noah whispered yelled as he tried frantically to appear calm.

"Hey Shivani. Noah. What's up?" 

"Hey Sina. We sort of had a favor to ask you. We were wondering if you could pick out Noah's tie for him? He wanted to match your dress, but he didn't know the color of your dress."

"You wanted to match?"

Shivani kicked Noah. "OW -I mean uh yeah, yeah I did. That would be cool."

Sina smiled, "Sounds good! I'll pick out a tie for you and leave it with your outfit after I choose my dress."

Noah smiled back and grabbed Shivani's elbow as he guided her outside the room. "What was that?"

"That was me being an amazing wing woman. I do be kind of smooth though."

"A wing woman? Smooth? So not the words that come to mind." Noah started to laugh. "But hey I guess it sort of worked huh?"

"I'm telling you dude. I'm a smooth operator." Shivani winked.

"Hey Paliwal!" Shivani and Noah turned to spot Bailey standing at the doorway. "See you at 9." He winked and walked back into the dressing room. 

"Okay... I'm going to go change and then do you want to go over interview questions before dinner?"

Noah nodded. "Yup see you in 10."


After their taco dinner and several rounds of interview questions, Noah and Shivani were wiped and were now sitting on the sofas in the lobby. It was almost 9pm.

"Psst Shivani."

"Psst Noah."

"Why are we whispering?"

"I don't know you started it."

"No you started it."

"No you."

Noah and Shivani burst out into a fit of giggles. 

"You're delirious."

"No you're delirious."

"No you!"

They burst out laughing again. 

"I hope I'm not interrupting." At the sound of Bailey's voice Shivani and Noah immediately tried to calm themselves down, but sadly it wasn't working. After a minute they managed to calm down enough to talk only for Shivani to look at Noah and burst out laughing again.

Bailey had an annoyed look on his face as he cleared his throat. "Look Shivani if this is a bad time, I can go."

"No Bailey, I'm sorry. Noah, over here is the issue."

"No it's definitely Shivani."

"No you."

They both burst out laughing again.

"Whatever. This was a waste of time." Bailey stood up and walked away.

"Wait Bailey, I'm sorry I don't know why we're like this." Shivani ran to catch up with Bailey when he turned around suddenly face to face with Shivani.

"Look I wanted to talk to you Shivani. But of course you had to bring Noah. You know what? Never mind." Bailey was about to turn around, but Shivani reached out and grabbed his arm first. 

"Wait are you mad? I'm confused. I thought you wanted to be friends?"

"Friends?" Bailey sighed. "Shivani don't you get that I don't want to be friends? I can't be friends with you because..."


Bailey stopped and stared at Shivani a question forming at his lips, but before she could react he put his hands on her face and pulled her towards him, his lips crashing into hers.

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