Ch 42: Stand Tall the Four of Us

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happy new year everyone! thank you for reading this fanfic that started because of boredom during quarantine and here's the next chapter :)

"...put your hands together on the 5, and then jump out on the 6-and, and then by 8 you should be in your new positions for the next count of 8, okay?" Will looked around at everyone's red and sweaty faces, but apparently it was a rhetorical question because he walked over to the speaker to play the song.

The music started and everyone rushed to get into position for the start of the dance, and Will yelled out, "...and a five, six, seven, eight."

"Noah you're a beat behind! Noah catch up to the music!"

"Bailey look alive when you dance!" Will sighed deeply. "Hands Bailey hands!"

"Alex there are more expressions you can give me other than just smiling all the time!" Will put his hands up in frustration.

"Leilani and Lamar! For goodness sakes make sure you know where you're going so you're not running into each other!"

Will turned off the music and everyone stopped where they were, panting and red. "That was awful. I would say we're going to run it again, but...clearly there are only some of you that understand the concept of dancing so I'm going to have them demonstrate to the rest of you what you should do."

Shivani felt like she was going to vomit at this point. At the start of the rehearsal she was awestruck by Willdabeast. He was a famous choreographer whose videos had been all over the internet, but now she understood why his dancers were so good. 

When they'd walked into rehearsal he'd briefly said his name, asked for their names once, and then started warm-ups which had lasted an hour and were extremely grueling. From there he taught them the choreography to a seven minute song once and then they had performed it five times while he yelled at them. Basically they all felt like they were about to faint because they also were not allowed to drink any water.

"Heyoon, Joalin, Ylona, Kenneth, and Shivani. Please demonstrate for the rest of the group what the choreography is supposed to look like."

On one hand Shivani was happy to be mentioned, but on the other hand, she wanted to vomit her guts out. She was so tired, but she knew that once she started dancing, that pain would disappear. Hopefully. 

They all filed into the center of the room, and the members not called, sat down in the front of the room, embarrassed, but clearly happy to sit for a minute.

Will was about to turn on the music, but he turned around and shook his head. "I'm going to move this formation around a little bit."

Shivani heart was pounding and she was just hoping that she wouldn't be moved anywhere close to the front. She loved dancing, but there was something so terrifying about leading a group. 

Will walked over to them and pointed at Heyoon. "Heyoon switch with Joalin, Shivani switch with Ylona, and Kenneth move to the front."

This meant Shivani was now in the front. Great. At least she was on the side and not in the center. It was Shivani, then Kenneth, then Heyoon and Joalin and Ylona in the back. 

"Great. Now take it from the top."

Will walked back and turned on the music. Only this time he was quiet while they ran the piece through which meant Shivani really felt like she was getting in her dance zone. The piece they were doing was hip hop based with some contemporary elements, but mostly it was pretty hard hitting.

By the time they finished the entire routine Shivani felt like she was going to faint. She actually started to see black spots in her vision, but she managed to stay upright somehow. It was all she could do to make sure her stomach didn't loudly growl in the silence. 

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