Ch 11: Aftertaste

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Thank you everyone for waiting for this next part! This is a fun fact, but the titles to all my chapters are the names of songs (usually the song I'm listening to while writing the chapter.) This chapter is named after 'Aftertaste' by Shawn Mendes and I would highly recommend it! If you guys have any song recommendations please leave them below in the comments :)

Shivani felt Bailey's arm on her lower back, pulling her closer to him, as the shock settled and she closed her eyes. She didn't know kissing could feel this good. This was her first kiss. Wait. This was her first kiss. It wasn't supposed to be like this. Shivani's eyes flew open and she pushed Bailey away from her.

Bailey stumbled back confused. "So um I think it's pretty clear that I like you. And based on what happened... I, uh, think it's pretty clear that you like me too." Bailey took a step towards Shivani. "Tell me if you want me to stop, okay?" He took another step.

"Stop. Okay? Just stop. I don't know why- or what- or aghhh- I just don't get why you did that." Shivani sighed, "I just can't deal with you right now." Shivani turned, only for Bailey to reach out and grab her arm and pull her towards him.

"Don't do that Shivani. Don't. Okay? Don't act like that meant nothing to you."

"Let go of me. Now."

"Not until you admit you feel something for me because I know I'm not imagining it."

"Are you serious? Are you delusional? You have been mean to me since we met. You didn't want to be partners with me, you like Joalin, you think I'm immature, you hurt me over and over on purpose... I mean do you honestly think you like me? There's a fine line between liking and hating someone and I know where I stand. So I don't know what you hoped to accomplished with that move, but I DON'T LIKE YOU."

"But... you just kissed me back. That has to mean something." Bailey pulled Shivani closer to him and leaned in. Shivani pushed him back. 

"STOP. I meant that Bailey. Do you think I wanted my first kiss to be someone like you? I wanted it to be special. I wanted it to be with someone who actually likes me. I just - I JUST WANTED IT TO BE WITH SOMEONE WHO LIKED ME. Is that too hard to understand?" Shivani felt the tears pooling up in the corners of her eyes.  "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"This was your first kiss?"

"Yeah I know. I'm sixteen years old and that was my first kiss. I know I'm pathetic. I know. I just-"

"No Shivani, that's not what I was going to say at all. I am so sorry that I took that away from you. I didn't mean to. But trust me when I say this - I really like you."

"No you don't! You don't even know who I am! Have we even had a conversation? I think this is the longest we've talked. Do you know anything about me? Because I for one don't even know you, so don't even pretend like you like me." Shivani ran towards the elevator, unable to control her tears.

"Shivani, wait! Can't we just talk-"

"No. We're done talking." Shivani pressed the elevator door close button, just as Bailey was about to stick his arm through.

Thankfully the elevator started moving and Shivani tried to control her tears. What was he thinking? Why did he kiss her? What was he trying to prove? All she wanted was to help him with Joalin and then he did that? Her sobs were coming out like gasps and as she heard the ding! sound and the doors opened to the ninth floor. She pulled out her phone. There was only one person who she could talk to about this. 

As Shivani waited for the call to go through, she wiped her tears and took a deep breath.


"Hey, Kinjal. I really really need to talk to you right now."

"Hey Shivani. Look I'm really sorry, but let's talk tomorrow? I'm really sorry. I'll explain soon I promise. Okay I got to go."

"K-Kinjal. Please." Shivani heard silence and realized Kinjal had hung up. She started crying, sitting on the floor of the elevator lobby. She heard the doors of the elevator open, but she ignored it, wondering how she had gotten herself into this mess. 


Shivani looked up into Hina's concerned eyes. 

"Are you okay?"

"I-I don't know. I guess I just-"

"Hey Shivani. Can we, uh, talk?" Shivani looked up to see Bailey standing next to Hina.

"No! I thought I made myself perfectly clear. I want nothing to do with you. I-" Unfortunately Shivani started crying again and she couldn't get anymore words out.

"Shivani is actually coming with me. So we'll see you later. Bailey, right?" Bailey nodded at Hina who helped Shivani off the floor.

"Thank you Hina." Shivani whispered as they walked past Bailey towards Hina's room.

Hina smiled. "What are friends for?" 

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