Ch 7: Tiny Dancer

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Shivani raised her arms towards the sky, making a circle with them, and then she extended her right arm out as she lunged. Then she spun and jumped out, her left leg sliding under her right leg and she as sat cross legged, she reached her arms back dramatically. She did a slow rise up and for her finale and she did a pirouette, posing with her hands dramatically on her hips. She smiled. Noah had done a great job choreographing a piece for her. 

After she finished there was silence. Noah walked to stand next to her, giving her a very satisfying high five. Kyle smiled first and started clapping, "Wonderful Shivani and Noah! You both did a great job on that piece. Noah would you mind sharing with us some things you learned about Shivani through this assignment?"

Noah smiled at Kyle and Simon. "Shivani has taught me a lot about Indian culture and where she grew up and it's very different from how I grew up. One thing she talked a lot about was how if India had a personality she would best describe it as loud and colorful, but also warm and very inviting. I think in many ways those elements of Indian culture really describe Shivani as well. I've seen her face bullies with a positive attitude so through this piece I tried to convey that warmth and positivity."

Wow. Shivani had heard a lot of compliments but that was something else. Somehow Noah had understood her a lot better than she expected in such a short amount of time. 

"Wonderful, you two are clearly making great progress! We'll check in with you guys after we check in with the rest of the teams." Kyle gave Shivani and Noah high fives and asked them to call the next pair in.

As she walked out the door, Shivani saw Sina from Germany and AC from the Philippines. "Hey guys! I think Kyle wants you guys to check in with him next." 

Sina smiled, "Thank you Shivani! Is it cool if I talk to you really quickly?"

"Yeah for sure! If you're nervous, don't be. It's super chill and they just check on your progress."

"Thanks, but no it's something else. Is it okay if we talk away from..." Sina subtly glanced towards Noah who was standing nearby on his phone.

Shivani smiled curiously, "Yeah for sure."

Shivani and Sina walked towards the end of the hallway. "Sina!" AC opened the door scanning the hallway for Sina. "They're calling us in now!"

"I'll be there in a minute!" Sina turned towards Shivani. "Hey, so I know this is awkward and I wouldn't normally ask, but I heard the way he talked about you in there and the way he looks at you and I was wondering, are you guys dating?"

"WHAT? Sina no no not at all. Noah's my best friend here, that's all I swear."

"Oh okay." A weird look of relief rested on Sina's face. "So I was wondering, would you maybe, uh, sorry I don't usually get this nervous, but would you maybe consider asking him if he likes me? Sorry I know that's really weird to ask you to be my wingwoman, but I can tell he really values your friendship and I would really appreciate it if you could talk to him for me?" Sina glanced back towards the door where AC was still standing, a look of confusion imprinted on her face. "I think I have to go, but just think about it okay?"

Shivani managed to get out a nod as Sina walked inside the room. What just happened? She wondered whether she should stay out of it and just focus on the dancing. While she was pondering the situation, she had unintentionally walked straight past Noah who tapped her from behind. She jumped.

"Hey haha, sorry I didn't mean to startle you."

Shivani smiled, "It's not your fault, I just have a lot on my mind right now." Sina wants me to tell you that she likes her Shivani wanted to say.

Noah gave her a concerned look, "Anything I can help with?"

Yes actually. "No don't worry about it! I'm good." Shivani pasted on another convincing smile. "Anyways we should probably grab some food before they announce task 2."

"Yup for sure! I heard they have really good burritos for lunch today!"

"Ooh I've never had a burrito before."

"Really? Like you've never had Chipotle before either?"

"Like Chipotle mayo?"

"No like the iconic restaurant?"

"No, wait is it super fancy?"

"I wouldn't call it fancy per se, but it's pretty amazing."

Shivani laughed, "Well I have to try this Chipotle some time!"

"Yes when this is all over, I can take you! It's worth it trust me." Noah gave her a quick wink. Shivani was happy. If nothing else came out of this audition at least she had made a good friend like Noah. So thoughtful, so sweet...

And that was when she ran straight into a brick wall. A brick wall that smelled like... OH NO. She looked up straight into Bailey's eyes.

"Great. What do you want?" Shivani was ready for his comebacks this time.

"Um. Shivani can I talk to you?" Bailey seemed nervous when he said this. Bailey? Nervous? That didn't make sense.

"We're actually on our way to get burritos man, but you're welcome to join us," Noah offered.

"Butt out Noah. Shivani please?" Bailey refused to break the eye contact so Shivani looked away. She knew this would probably not lead to a good outcome so she sighed. 

"Okay, five minutes."

Bailey nodded, "Five minutes that's all. But I need to talk to you privately."

Noah crossed his arms. "You think I'm leaving her alone with you after how kind you've been? Forget it."

"Noah it'll be fine, really. I'll meet you in the lunchroom okay?" Shivani looked over at Noah whose expression softened.

"Okay, but if you need anything, you know where to find me." He started walking towards the lunchroom, but then he walked back and gave Shivani a surprise hug.

Bailey rolled his eyes, but once Noah was gone he looked at Shivani. "Can we sit down for this?"

"Uh sure..." Shivani wondered what Bailey was going to say, but nothing could have prepared her for what happened next.

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