Chapter 19

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Are you up?

Ok, so maybe Louis does care a bit. He's spent a few hours already trying to figure out why Harry's dad would punch him and why he wanted to fix the situation in the first place. If he did fix it he might not be captain anymore, so why would he do that?


Harry responds. Louis doesn't know how he got to the decision of texting him but here he is now, texting Harry at two o'clock in the morning.

Why did he punch you?


Why did you try to fix it?

Because it wasn't right. I didn't earn that spot, or at least not entirely.

But if you fix it, it may mean you're not captain anymore, so why do it?

Because, contrary to your opinion, I'm not a monster.

Why did he punch you?

Harry starts typing but stops. After a couple of minutes he starts typing again.

Because I told that what he was doing wasn't right and when he asked why I would care that I was taking your place I might have told him that I like you by accident.

Louis stares at the message for a while.


He doesn't know what to say because once again he found himself confused as to what his opinion about Harry was. Turns out, he isn't a selfish jerk because if he was he wouldn't have let his father punch him, but does that mean he is the Harry Louis got to know before christmas? And if he is, did he just tell Louis he likes him? And why was Louis so excited about that?

Harry doesn't reply so Louis texts again when he realizes that they still have school tomorrow.

How 's your eye? Can you see properly now?

No, not really. I'm going to the doctor tomorrow after class.

Do you need a ride to school?

That'd be great.

Louis smiles down at the screen before putting his phone down on his night stand and going to sleep. 


After class, Louis runs out of the entrance just in time to catch Harry leaving. He touches his shoulder gently making him turn around and face him.

"Where are you going?"

"To the doctors." Harry looks at him confused.

"I can drive you if you want."

"It's ok. I can go by myself. Plus you have football practice now anyways."

"Oh, don't worry about that, they won't need me. But what would a peasant like you without his royal highness." They both laugh.

"Well, in that case, it would be an honour to go with you, Princess." He courtesies maintaining eye contact.


"Mr. Styles?"

Harry stands up from his chair turning around to look down at Louis.

"See you in a bit:" Harry gives him a close-lipped smile and Louis nods in response, copying the same smile.

As soon as Harry is out of sight, Louis gets up and runs to his car with a cheeky smile on his face. He drives off.

An hour later, Harry comes out of the doctor's office with a note in his hand. He looks around trying to find Louis but he is nowhere. He gets his phone out nervously and opens Louis' chat.

Heyy, just finished. Where are you?

In the car, come outside.

Harry frowns a little before following Louis orders. When he opens the car door there's a box with muffins in it.

"Thought you might wanted something sweet."Harry smile at him before grabbing the box and getting in the car.

"I already had you but thanks." Louis looks away from him,blushing.

"So, where to next?" He turns the car on and looks at Harry waiting for a response. Harry looks down at the note his holding.

"I have to go get this from the pharmacy." He lifts the note up a bit for Louis to see. "And then I guess i have to go home." He looks down at his feet with a sad look.

"You don't have to go home if you don't want to, we can go to mine." Harry smiles a little. He looks up at Louis with a sincere look.

"Thank you." Louis smiles at him before driving off. When they get to the pharmacy Harry reaches for the door handle to get out when Louis grabs his arm to stop him.

"I'll go, don't worry." He grabs the note from Harry's hand and gets out of the car. Seconds later Harry's phone rings.


"Harry, what the hell?!?! Where are you?" Niall screams from the other side of the line.

"Niall, calm down, I'm fine."

"You never miss football practice, you're clearly not fine. Where are you?"

"I had to go to the doctor's to get my eye checked, relex."

"Well, you could've told me to take you."

"It's alright, Louis took me."

"LOUIS?????" Harry takes the phone away from his ear cringing. "I thought you hated him again. What happened? I need explanations, Harold."

"It was a misunderstanding. We're good again." He looks at the pharmacy as he smiles fondly.

"What if he hurts you again?"

"He won't. He's a nice person."

"Whatever you say. So, you're ok then?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Ok. I'll see you tomorrow. Oh, and have fun, but not too much fun, you need to remain innocent." Harry rolls his eyes.

"I'm gonna hang up now. Bye." He hangs up laughing and shaking his head.

"Here you go, just what the doctor ordered." Louis gets in the car and hands him a small bag.

"Thank you." He murmurs.

"You've already said that." Louis says with a smile.

"I meant it." Harry replies. 


"Stay still." Louis says holding Harry's face.

"I can do it myself."

"And I can help." He opens up a bottle of cream, puts a bit on his finger and then spreads it gently on his eye. Harry winces when he goes over the most swollen place. "Sorry." He gives Harry an apologetic look.

"It ok. It's not your fault."

"It kind of is." He replies with a sad look. Harry pulls his head back to get away from Louis's hand. He grabs his face and looks him in the eye.

"Don't say that." He says serious. "It's not your fault that my dad is an asshole. Don't blame yourself. Especially not when you're trying to help me. Ok?" Louis nods smiling a little.

"Ok" Louis replies. Harry pulls Louis' head closer to his, pressing their lips together for a short kiss.

"Ok." Harry says with a smile. "So, do you think it's a bad idea to eat all of the muffins you bought me?" he says while walking to the desk where the box is.

"Probably, but if I help it won't be as bad." Louis smirks.

"I like the way you think, Princess." He hands Louis a muffin while biting into one himself.


Louis wakes up abruptly when he hears his phone ringing. He picks it up without looking at the caller and brings it to his ear.

"Hello?" He says in a raspy voice.

"Can I come over? Please."

"Harry? Is everything ok?"

"I just don't want to be home. Can I come over?"

"Sure, just text me when you get here."

"I'm at your door."

Louis quickly gets up and walks to his window to see Harry at the door. He walks down the stairs carefully trying not to make any noise. When he opens the door he finds Harry hugging himself with testy eyes and a broken lip.

"Oh my god, Harry! What happened?" He grabs his arm pulling him into the house and to his bedroom.

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