Chapter 29

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It's a week later and Louis' ribs still hurt. His family hasn't asked about it, which he's thankful for, but Liam is still worried so he hasn't left his side unless he has to. Louis doesn't really think it is necessary and he's been trying to get him to relax all week but right now he really wishes he was here.


Louis shakes his head and looks up at Harry who's now looking at him confused. He hums in response not really sure if his voice would work if he wanted to speak.

"Is it right?" Harry asks, pointing at his paper that is in the middle of the table so both of them can see it.

"No, you need to do this." He starts to write on his paper and as soon as Harry leans over the table to get closer Louis scoots back in his chair with a scared expression.

"I'm not gonna hurt you." Harry says reassuringly.

"Highly doubt that." He doesn't look at him." Nothing stopped you before, so what's stopping you now?"

"You can stop tutoring me if you feel like that."

"I can't, I need the extra credit if I want a scholarship 'cause I'm obviously not getting it because of football." His tone sounds bitter and almost angry, but, truly, Louis is trying to hide all the hurt in his voice.

"Why don't we continue after school? I'm a little tired." Harry says after a few minutes of silence.

"I can't, I have to work." He starts packing up his things even though they're supposed to study all lunch and there's still fifteen minutes left. "Just do the practice exam I sent you and we'll meet up on the free period on Monday."

"We could go to my house after practice like we did before."

"I prefer to route you here." With that he terms around and leaves Harry sitting alone.

Later that day, Liam and Louis drive to work together and Liam explains his whole schedule to Louis so that he knows where he will be at all times.

"If you fall again" he emphasizes the word fall as if to let Louis know he still doesn't believe him. "Just come to me, ok?"

"Liam, I'm ok. Nothing's gonna happen to me, relax."

When they finally get there, they go to get changed and find the two boys that were with Harry last week already getting changed in the room.

"Hey, Towel boy is here." Louis ignores them but Liam looks at them furrowing his brows. He looks at Louis with a questioning look.

"Is this the bench you tripped over last week?"

"Liam, drop it please. I fell, ok?"

When they finish changing, they both get to their places and start working. Louis's in the bar today; the bartender called in sick so he's replacing him today. At first he was bummed about it but now he figures it's for the best because now there's a bar between him and Harry and his friends.

After two hours he gets a break and remembers Liam has one too, so he goes to find him but as soon as he walks out of the bar get gets pulled into a room that he assumes is the supply closet.

"How are you, towel boy?" Louis turns around and finds Harry and the other two boys standing right in front of him.

"He asked you a question, fag." One of the boys spits out.

"Fine, I'm fine." Louis hates how shaky his voice sounds.

"Well, obviously. You're in a closet so you must be in your element." The two boys laugh but Harry stays still looking over at him with a sad expression.

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