Chapter 24

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Louis wakes up the next morning with Harry wrapped around him still asleep. The sun is shining through the window hitting Harry's curls and making them look golden. Louis scans every inch of Harry's face with his eyes, admiring how peaceful he looks when he sleeps. He stays like this for a few seconds and prays that Harry doesn't wake up so he can keep staring at him but then again, when has life ever listened to him? He looks away quickly when he sees Harry fluttering his eyes open and decides to pretend he's asleep so that Harry doesn't notice how creepily he was staring at him. He is so thankful that he does because Harry decides to kiss him to wake him up. Harry presses his lips into Louis' softly and fondly and Louis pretends to wake up, his heart already racing from that simple gesture.

"Morning." Harry says in a raspy voice and Louis thinks he wouldn't mind waking up like this all the time. "You look like a hedgehog." Harry giggles a bit before running his fingers through Louis' hair.

"Oi, that's not very nice." Harry ruffles his hair playfully before getting out of bed and grabbing some clothes from his wardrobe. "Are you going already?"

"Yeah I have to go to..." He stops to think as if what he's about to say is wrong and Louis notices. Is it weird if Louis feels hurt by that? Is not like Harry owes him any explanation but that doesn't mean he doesn't want one. "Somewhere. I can drop you off at home if you want."

"That's alright, I'll walk."


Louis and Harry get out of the house a couple of minutes later and Harry says goodbye before rushing over to his car. Louis spends the whole time back to his house thinking about how Harry is acting. They haven't been together for long but they're supposed to trust each other enough and right now it feels like Harry doesn't. It's clear that he is not ok right now but Louis can't really help him if he doesn't open up. He decides to just forget about for now so he calls Zayn and Laura and they spend the rest of the weekend watching movies in Zayn's house.

On Monday, Louis wakes up excited to see Harry again. He's been thinking about it and he's decided that the best thing to do is just be there for him and let him decide when he wants to talk so now he just wants to see Harry because even though he won't admit it out loud he's falling for that annoying curly boy. When he gets to his first class, he notices Harry is not in his seat and neither is he in school for the rest of the day.

Is everything ok?

Louis sent that message this morning and Harry hasn't answered it yet which sends a wave of worry through Louis' spine. His mind is now filled with at least a hundred different scenarios of what could've happened to him and none of them seem to be good even though Louis has really tried to think of something, anything, that wasn't bad. He's spent half of football practice looking at his phone to check the messages and the other half worrying in case Harry calls him and he doesn't pick up.

Yeah :)

The message came right after practice ended and even though Louis is relieved Harry's ok his message doesn't really give too much information.

Want to hang out?

Can't right now. Sorry

Louis takes a deep breath to try and calm himself before he gets angry at Harry, he will tell him what's going on when he's ready. Louis just wishes he would be ready sooner.

That's alright

He puts his phone in his bag after sending the message and decides to go to Laura's house so that he can distract himself from Harry knowing very well that Zayn is probably already there telling her about some new art project he's doing.


"How are things with Harry?"

So the distraction didn't work very well. They didn't get through two conversations when Laura decided to ask him that and honestly he doesn't even know what to answer. Should he talk about how weird he is all of a sudden or is he just reading too much into everything? They have only been dating (if you can even call it that) for a little while. Maybe he's uncomfortable because of the whole "not ready to be your boyfriend" conversation? But then again he didn't seem uncomfortable on Friday.

Whatever it is he doesn't have time to express it to his friends because his phone rings before he can even try to explain anything to them. It was his mum telling him to come home with a tone that Louis can't quite read.

He says goodbye to his friends and goes to his house where his mum is waiting for him while she drinks some tea by the kitchen counter.

"Hey, what did you need?"

"Do you want to talk about Harry?" She raises one eyebrow but still maintains a sweet look.

Louis' first instinct is to say no and run away, hide from her so she won't interrogate him with questions he doesn't have the answer to but that is not an option so he sits down while his mother pours another cup of tea for him. 

Authors note:

Credit to the picture of this chapter goes to @alguienmas04 , who was soooo kind to make this cover for me <3

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