Chapter 6

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When Louis gets to school, Harry's already there, pacing back and forth, biting his nails. He has a paper in his hand and he's reading from it. Louis gets out of his car and approaches him.

"What's wrong with you?" He says putting his hand in the pocket of his hoodie to try and fight the cold.

"I don't know anything, I'm going to fail."

"What are you talking about? You did three practice tests yesterday and you passed all of them."

"No, I don't understand any of it now. I forgot."

"Harry, calm down, you do know all this stuff, you're just nervous."

Louis can't help but ask himself 'What am I doing here?'. He should be at home waking up not here trying to calm Harry down. They're enemies, they are not supposed to do that. They're supposed to laugh at each other when one of them fails, not ensure that they don't do so. At this point, Louis is pretty certain that nothing in this situation makes sense but he knows that if he doesn't help him this won't end well for either of them. Plus, Harry has this thing that makes Louis feel so bad for him at the same time it makes feel so proud that he is the one with the power to save him, or not.

"Look, I have a free period before lunch, we can study then and at lunch if you want to."

Harry looks up at him, this time with hope in his eyes. He nods while thinking.

"Ok, that would be great." He says looking down to the floor and almost a little too quiet for Louis to hear.

"Alright, I'll see you then."

Dude, where are you?

"Shit!" Louis looks at his phone right before grabbing his bag from his car and realizes he forgot he would pick Zayn up today. He rushes into the car and drives off.

Zayn gives him a petty speech on friendship, which Louis just laughs at. It's not like Zayn was actually upset and they weren't even late to first period.

"See you at lunch?"

"I can't today, gotta tutor Harry again. He's got the exam today."

"If I didn't know any better I would think you too are shagging or something." Zayn gives him a smirk before walking towards his building.

"Gross." Louis seems genuinely disgusted by it but then he realizes that if Zayn thinks that then maybe other people do too. A shiver runs down his spine just by the thought of it so he decides to ignore it. Or at least he tries to.

At his free period Louis does as he's promised and meets up with Harry at the library. They spend the two hours revising and Harry finally calms down. When they are done, Louis asks him some final questions which Harry answers correctly and then they take off. They head to the chemistry lab and on the door there's a sign telling the students to separate themselves into two groups; the ones who have to do the exam will go to the usal class and the other will go to the other chemistry lab.

"See you at practice." Louis says Looking at Harry.


Louis rolls his eyes. "We both know you'll do anything you can to make sure you can annoy me later."

"And we both know you'll love it, Princess." Harry makes his signature smug face and for the first time in a while he is acting like the Harry Louis knows and hates.

"Just go take the test, Peasant." Louis turns around and heads for his class and Harry stands in front of the door looking worried. He takes a deep breath in and then walks in.

The hour couldn't go by any slower for Louis. He really can't comprehend why but he is actually nervous. This shouldn't be something he worries about, if Harry passes Louis gets extra credit and if he doesn't Harry's off the team which means someone will have to take his spot as the team captain. Either one of the outcomes benefits Louis, so why does he feel so anxious?

"You alright?" Zayn looks down at the glass in front of them. Louis is pouring some liquid into it but it doesn't seem like he's paying much attention to it.

Louis finally snaps out of it and looks at Zayn, putting the liquid down on the table. "Yeah, I'm fine." He doesn't sound too convinced and Zayn can notice it.

"Don't tell me you're worried about your boyfriend passing." He laughs as he hits Louis' arme with his elbow.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny. He's not my boyfriend. He's not even my friend."

"Whatever you say... Princess." He says making air quotes.

Louis frowns as he looks at Zayn. "What?"

"Isn't that what he calls you?"

"He does it to annoy me. Stop implying we're dating. It's gross." Louis pushes Zayn softly and Zayn laughs getting a pipette and continuing with the experiment they are supposed to be doing.

Louis tries to forget about Harry's test and about Zayn's assumptions but it's really no use. Somehow Zayn has managed to make Louis imagine what it would be like to date Harry. He shakes his head in an attempt to get the thought out of his mind but somehow he just can't stop picturing him and Harry together. He doesn't like the thought of it but he can't get rid of it either. He tries to focus on his chemistry experiment but is hopeless. When he's not imagining having a relationship with his enemy, he's worrying about whether or not Harry's going to pass.

Thankfully, the bell rings just in time before Louis loses his mind trying not to think. He looks up as he picks up his stuff quickly as he says goodbye to Zayn, who's already halfway out the door. He doesn't really like school, he comes here because he has nothing better to do but if he could he'd just play his guitar all day. He walks out of the class moments later but heads for the class where Harry is instead. He just has to know how it went. People start coming out of the classroom and Louis can't help but think that every siluette Louis sees in the corner of his eyes is Harry. 5 minutes go by and he's still not out... that can't be good. Louis starts biting his nails as he starts to head towards the exit. As soon as he starts moving, Harry walks out looking down at the floor with an embarrassed look on his face. The disappointing look on the boy's face is all Louis needs to know how the test went but he asks anyway.

"So, how did it go?" He looks at Harry with hopeful eyes but a serious face.

Harry bites his cheeks, breathes in heavily and Louis looks down feeling guilty because if he hasn't passed it means he couldn't help him. "I passed." His face fills with a big smile, dimples prominent making him look too cute.

Louis finds himself overwhelmed with relief and happiness and without thinking about it he throws himself at Harry. The hug takes the boy by surprise but he doesn't take long to wrap his arms around Louis' waist and pull him up. They're both chuckling with big smiles on their faces.

"You two work well together."

As soon as the two boys hear their teacher's voice they're brought back to reality and they both realize that they shouldn't be hugging; they hate each other. They take a step back to leave a fair distance between them and they desperately try to avoid each other's eyes.

"Keep up the good work boys. See tomorrow."

When they get to the locker room everybody is already out on the field warming up. They start getting their stuff out and changing when they both look up at each other.

"Thank you." Harry looks at him with a genuine face.

"Thank you." Louis replies.

They finish getting ready and jog onto the field.

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