Chapter 5

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When school is over Louis' mum calls him to ask him to go grocery shopping before he gets home. He does as he's asked and goes to the shop. His mum has told him what to buy but Louis has so much on his mind it takes him longer than usual to remember and find everything.

When he gets home, he sees Lottie making tea through the kitchen windows, she waves at him and mouths 'Help?', Louis shakes his head as he gets the bags out of the boot. When he walks in, he hears a deep male voice that sends shivers down his spine. He'd recognize that annoying voice anywhere and now he regrets having sent that text.

He turns and walks into the kitchen to find Harry sitting down on the table next to Phoebe and Daisy. They are doing some homework and Harry's helping them read what they have to do.

"He told me you guys were studying chemistry today so I told him to wait for you here. Tea?" Lottie holds the teapot higher to redirect her brother's attention to it.

"No, thanks. Help me put this away please."

Lottie grabs one of the bags and puts it on the counter. They start taking things out of the bags and putting them in their place.

"Can I help with anything?" Harry focuses his eyes on Lottie, avoiding Louis' eyes.

"No, that's fine. We'll be soon. Thanks anyway." Lottie gives him a warm smile before going back to putting the groceries away.

Louis doesn't say anything, still a little surprised by Harry's behaviour. Since when is he nice? He only knows Hary as the stuck up prick who looks at him over the shoulder and does everything in his power to annoy everybody around him.

By the time they put everything away, the twins have also finished doing their work. Louis puts on a movie for them and Lottie stays with them to make sure they don't go in the kitchen and interrupt the lesson.

Louis starts from the basic content of the topic as he figures it's best to make sure he understands at least that before they go to what they'll ask in the exam. Louis talks very slow and soft and looks up at Harry every so often to make sure he understands. When he's done explaining the basics he gets out a sheet of questions and tells Harry to try them.

"I don't know how to do this one." Harry points at the question keeping his eyes locked on the paper. He doesn't want to admit it but he is very embarrassed by this whole situation and Louis has noticed by now.

Louis feels quite proud because his enemy, the person who he hates the most, is in his house looking more vulnerable and helpless than he has ever looked, asking for help. For his help. He doesn't really show it though, he feels bad for Harry. He knows that if he doesn't pass all his classes he won't get to play, and he knows how bad it would be for him.

They are really similar when it comes to football; they both give their everything to it and if anybody were to take it away from them they wouldn't know what to do. This is the reason Louis is empathising with him right now. That and the fact that the team is better off with him on it, although Louis won't admit that out loud.

When Harry's finished, they go through the questions together. Louis explains the ones he's got wrong and Harry nods to imply he understands. After two hours, the lesson is finally over and they agree to meet up the next day at Harry's house to study again. Harry grabs his stuff and heads towards the entrances.

"Your welcome, by the way." Louis shouts from the kitchen table in a very sarcastic tone.

Harry walks back into the kitchen.

"For what?"

"What do you mean 'For what'? I just helped you."

"I'm also helping you get some extra credit, aren't I, Princess?"

"Ungrateful dick." He says under his breath. Harry hears him but prefers not to fight so he goes away, saying goodbye to the girls before leaving.

After the first lesson, they meet up everyday to study until Monday to make sure Harry passes with a good mark. The lessons are the same, they are nice to each other only during the lesson and after that they go back to hating each other. In class and at practice their dynamic doesn't seem to change. They even had a fight on Wednesday' practice it was about something stupid but they got pretty heated and go themselves thrown of the pitch for the rest of the practice.

On Sunday night, Louis is picking up the plates and clearing the table when his phone buzzes inside his pocket. He grabs it and rolls his eyes as soon as he sees who it is from.

Meet me tomorrow before class.

He opens it to reply but before he can type anything, Harry sends another message.


Louis replies saying OK and then continues with what he was doing. 

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