Chapter 18

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Louis walks into his first class to find everyone huddled up around Harry. He never understood why anyone would want to purposely start a conversation with him; sure he wanted to do so at some point but that was when he wasn't thinking clearly, now he is and he definitely won't talk to him at least it's absolutely necessary.

He glances at him before sitting down and notices the bruise he has around his eyes. Images of the night of Liam's party flash through his mind. He remembers how Harry looked that night and how bad he felt for him back then but he shakes the thought out because he knows he shouldn't feel bad for someone like him and he's certain that whatever happened to him now, he deserved it.

Zayn sits down next to him, his eyes locked on Harry.

"What did you do to him?" He says teasingly.

"Nothing, he's got that all on his own."

The teacher walks in interrupting all the conversations and finally everyone goes to their seats.

At lunch Louis is already dreading the day.He doesn't know why but everytime he tries to concentrate on something, Harry pops in his head distracting him and the more he tries not to think about his blacl eye the more he thinks about it.

It's not like he cares. He doesn't. He really doesn't. He keeps telling himself how much he doesn't care but it just sounds less convincing everytime. He ends up admitting that, even though he doesn't care at all about the boy, he wants to know how he got that bruise.

Liam sits down in front of Louis after he walks in with a couple of people from the team, one of those people being Harry. Louis follows Harry with his eyes until he sits down and looks up, meeting Louis' gaze for a second before he looks away.

"What happened to him?" He tries to sound as casual and uninterested as possible.

"Thought you didn't care." Zayn looks at him suspiciously.

"I don't. Just want to know." He looks at Liam ignoring the look his best friend is giving him.

"He says he hit himself by accident with some weights or something."

Louis furrows his brows in disbelief. He doesn't know Harry that well but he knows that he's very careful while training so he finds Harry's story quite implausible and that doesn't help his curiosity because instead of getting an answer he's got more questions about the origins of the bruise.

Louis tries to get his mind off of it for the rest of the day which was going surprisingly well until someone kicked the ball wrong and it hit Harry right in the eye. Coach Higgins makes him sit the rest of practice down and gives him an ice pack to put on his eye.

After practice, everyone rushes to the locker room to get changed except for Louis who wants to stay a bit longer to practice his free kicks. Almost half an hour goes by before he realises that Harry is still sitting on the bench talking on the phone. He ignores him and goes to the locker room to get changed.

When he finally gets out he starts to head towards the parking lot when he feels a hand squeeze his shoulder firmly. He turns around praying it's not Harry because he really doesn't want to deal with him. When he turns completely around he lets out a relieved breath finding Coach Higgins standing in front of him.

"Are you driving home?" He asks.


"Could you drive Harry home? He still can't see properly so he shouldn't drive."

"What about his parents? Can't they pick him up?"

"Apparently not. I'd do it myself but I have a teachers meeting right now and I'm already running late."

"Fine, I'll do it."

"Thank you." Louis nods at him and stalks towards Harry.

"C'mon." He grabs Harry's bag which is laying on the floor next to him.


"I'm driving you." He murmurs with an annoyed tone.

"I thought you wanted nothing to do with me." He says while getting up and following him to the car.

"I still don't but Coach asked me." Harry looks down disappointed.

The ride is silent at first, which Louis kind of likes because he doesn't have to acknowledge Harry, but Harry breaks the silence.

"You can just leave me here that way you can just go straight home." Louis doesn't respond and instead takes the turn towards Harry's house. "I didn't know." Harry says after a minute. Louis doesn't reply.

"I didn't know what my father did. When I found out, I tried to make it right. Believe me, I did." He sounds devastated and that makes Louis' heart to ache a bit but he ignores it because he doesn't care about him.

"Well you didn't try hard enough." Louis finally breaks his silence.

"If I didn't try hard enough, I'd be driving myself home right now." Harry murmurs softly but apparently loud enough because Louis hears him.

"What?" Louis asks hoping that he understood is not what Harry was implying.

"Nothing." He replies with wide eyes when he realizes what he's saying.

"Are you saying your father did that?"

Right when he finishes his sentence the car comes to a stop and they both look to the door of Harry's house. Harry starts to get out of the car avoiding looking at Louis.

"Thanks for the ride."

"Did he?"

"No, he didn't. And even if he did, you don't care,do you?"

Louis doesn't answer because he doesn't care. He doesn't, does he? Why should he? Harry is selfish. Or maybe he isn't. Either way Louis doesn't care. Right?

"Exactly." Harry says, taking Louis' silence for an answer. He closes the door and walks into his house without looking at Louis.

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