Chapter 12

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It's been four days since the conversation Louis had with his friends and the question still remains unanswered but Louis is more certain than ever that he can't get Harry and the kiss out of his mind. It's now his birthday and even though he really doesn't have his mind on celebrating as soon as his sisters barge into his room with a plate of what looks like cake in their hand he suddenly feels a lot more energetic. He starts to get up but before he can do so Daisy shoves the plate she's carrying into his face and right after Fizzy rubs it spreading it even more.

The girls all giggle as Louis shakes his head. He tries to seem angry at them but he can't fight back the smile that is gradually growing on his face. He looks up to see that Fizzy is now sitting on his lap, Daisy and Phoebe are sitting next to him on the bed and Lottie is still standing in front of him with her arms behind her back.

Louis narrows his eyes, knitting his brows in confusion. He tries to move and see what she's hiding but Fizzy moves so that he is not able to do so.

"Did you get me a present?" Louis knows he's been a little optimistic thinking it might just be a present.

"Sort off."

"I don't like the sound of that."

Fizzy giggles again and Louis immediately turns his head towards her. He keeps his eyes narrowed but this time in a playful way.

"What are you laughing at, you cheeky monster?"

He starts to tickle her and she begs him to stop but he doesn't stop until Lottie calls his name making him shift his attention back to her.

"Are you not going to show me what you're hiding?"

Lottie nods her head and then gets another plate out from behind her back. This time it isn't cake, it's whipped cream or shaving cream, Louis can't really tell because Lottie is moving it too fast and before Louis knows it he's covered in cake and whipped cream. Some of it got on his mouth but it tasted nice so Louis assumed it was whipped cream.

"The first one was funny but you're going to pay for this one." Louis grabs Fizzy, putting her safely on the bed and then gets up and stalks towards Lottie who is now walking backwards begging Louis to have mercy. Soon enough Louis reaches Lottie and he holds her by the arms putting his face against hers and rubbing the mess he has on his face onto hers.

"Stop! I'm sorry,okay? Just, please, stop!" Lottie shouts while pushing Louis's chest. Louis doesn't stop though, he keeps going until his mother walks in the room.

"Stop torturing your sister, it was my idea." She laughs and Louis stops to turn around pulling a surprised face.

"I am so disappointed in you mother." He says with a smile but frowning. He doesn't sound too convinced. "I expected it from them, but from you? Shame!"

"Alright, calm down drama queen." His mother says while handing him a towel to clean himself up. "Granny and Grandpa are coming later on, you should all get dressed before they come."

They all nod and do as they are told. They have lunch with their grandparents, open some presents (it was just some envelopes with money in them but Louis actually prefers that to actual presents) and then they sit down and watch Louis' favorite movie, Grease. It's not Christmas themed but it's his birthday after all so people don't say anything. Zayn stops by to wish him a happy birthday and watch him blow the candles and then he goes to his house. Louis really doesn't like that his birthday is also Christmas Eve because none of his friends can stay for a long time but he's used to it by now. After they finish with all the birthday celebrations they all organize themselves to make the girls believe Santa is coming over. Louis' grandpa goes to the bathroom while Louis and Lottie play with the girls in the living room. Louis' grandma goes upstairs almost without being noticed and Jay stays in the kitchen washing up the dishes.

The girls and Louis start building a fort so that they can stay close to the tree just in case Santa comes when a loud noise startles them.

"I think it came from upstairs, can you guys go check what it was? I need to finish the dishes." Jay says to the girls.

They all get up and the girls hide behind Louis and Lottie. They walk up the stairs and see some light coming from the twins' room. Louis looks around making sure his grandma is already gone before he lets the girls in. When they walk in they find a small christmas tree in the middle of the room surrounded by some presents. They start to scream out of excitement when they hear bells coming from downstairs. They run out of the room and down the stairs and only get to see Santa waving goodbye from the door. They try to catch up but when they get outside he's already gone. Of course Santa was just Louis' grandad in a costume but the girls didn't have to know that. When they finally come back inside the living room is all full of presents for everybody. Lottie goes up to get the ones that were in the girls room and then they let the twins read the names out loud and hand the presents out.

Louis feels really proud of them because last year it took them almost an hour to finish handing the presents out and this year they don't even need help at all. They all start to unwrap their presents one by one. Grandma and Grandpa go first. When Grandma is showing her new scarf she got there's a knock on the door. Louis gets up to answer it and everybody carries on with their presents.

Louis opens the door to find Harry standing there. He's wearing black jeans and a long grey coat with his hands stuffed into its pockets. He must be wearing a shirt underneath because the colar is sticking out of the jacket. He looks quite cold, his shoulders are tense and his nose red. Louis can't help but think he looks really cute like this. Harry looks up after a moment and their eyes meet.

As soon as Louis sees Harry's emerald green eyes looking into his, all the feelings he'd been trying to ignore came rushing to him. The past few days after the kiss he's been trying to forget about it even though he didn't really succeed at his attempt. Today was the first day he managed to forget about him since then but now that he is right in front of him the question his friends asked him four days ago is echoing in his head.

"Harry?" He finally says, eyebrows knitted. "What are you doi...."

"Do you really not remember?"


"Do you really not remember? Because it's all I've been thinking about since it happened. I just.. I can't get it or you out of my mind and it's driving me crazy because you don't seem to remember and I do. I really do. An, honestly, even if you do remember I don't know how you feel about it, I mean I thought it was good, really good but I don't know if you did too or even if you'd want to do it again."

Louis tries to talk to ease the other boy's mind, tell him that he remembers it as well and that he really liked it too but Harry's rumbling goes on and on and Louis can't seem to make him stop talking. Suddenly, he comes up with a way to shut him up so he cups his face with both hands and presses their lips together. Harry doesn't take long to reciprocate the kiss. They both fall into the kiss deepening it.

Louis pulls away after a few moments.

"Does that answer your question?" Harry gets closer to him again putting his hands on Louis' waist, keeping him close.

"No, not really. You're gonna have to try again." His smirk grows bigger the closer he gets to Louis' lips.

Louis rolls his eyes but kisses him nonetheless. Once they break the kiss again they also stop holding each other.

"See you around"

"See you around? After that, all you're going to say is see you around?"

"What is it Princess? Did I leave you wanting more?" Harry crouches down so that their eyes are the same level. He's smirking. Louis sighs fighting back a smile.

"You know, you're lucky you're cute." He blurts out without thinking it through. Harry's smile widens and his eyebrows raise.

"So you think I'm cute?"

"Okay, goodbye Styles." He closes the door.

"Wait! I wanna hear more about this." He says before he closes the door entirely. Louis doesn't listen to him.

Happy birthday by the way ;)

Louis looks down at his phone and he bites his lower lip trying not to smile; the butterflies in his stomach going crazy. He may like him after all. 

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