Chapter 1

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Louis opens his light blue eyes, still half asleep, when he hears the alarm clock go off. It's Monday so normally he sleeps in but today is a special day. He shakes his head in hopes that he'll completely wake up but it's not until Lottie barges in without warning that he jumps out of bed.

"Louis, c'mon we are gonna be late if you don't hurry up!". She says exited but demanding.

"Alright, I'm up, no need to yell." He rubs his eyes as he gets into the bathroom to have a shower.

Once he's ready, he goes downstairs where he finds Lottie and the twins adding some finishing touches to a small poster that says "Welcome back, Liam".

"What are you doing to my poster?" He says as he raises his eyebrows in confusion.

"Thought it needed some colour" Lottie replies while the twin giggle and continue to put glitter all over the poster.

"Ok, that's enough glitter" He grabs the poster before heading for the door. "Let's go"

They drive for a few minutes before coming to a stop in front of a small house. A tall boy comes out of the door with a toast in his mouth, rushing to the car.

"Hey" he's while getting in the car and picking up the poster from the passenger's seat to be able to sit, "Glitter?"

"Don't ask me, I had nothing to do with it" Louis nods back, letting him know who the culprits are.

"Morning girls"

"Good morning, Zayn" says Daisy with a rather endearing look on her face.

Louis rolls his eyes and Zayn smirks at him knowing all too well how much it annoys Louis that his sister has a crush on him. Zayn obviously doesn't reciprocate those feelings neither does he encourage Daisy to act upon hers, but it's fun to watch Louis get upset. Louis starts the engine and they take off. The ride to school is calm as always, they play some music and they have a little carpool karaoke session before dropping the girls at their school. After that, Zayn and Louis normally just talk about stuff and joke around until they get to school.

When they finally get there, Louis stuffs the poster in his bag so no one can see and they head towards the entrance. They meet with some of Louis' teammates so Zayn says goodbye and goes inside. He loves Louis but he absolutely despises football or anything that has to do with it, including people who play it.

"So, Do you think you'll be captain this year??" Luke looks at him as if he already knows the answer.

"Hopefully, I've been working my ass off all summer for this"

"You will, you're our best player" Ashton slaps his back for reassurance.

"You are all so naive" Someone says from Louis.

Louis closes his eyes and lets out a sigh while clenching his teeth. Of course he would have to come in this exact moment and make sure to ruin it. Of course He's here trying to crush his expectations. Louis turns around, blues eyes staring angrily into his green ones.

"Harry Styles, leave it up to you to ruin the first day of school before it even starts"

"Oh. Did I hurt you? I'm sorry Tomlinson, but it's just the truth." They get closer as worried looks grow on the faces of people around them. They stare at each other, closing their fists, sending daring looks at one another.

The bell rings but they don't move, faces only inches apart and ready to fight. Harry lifts his fist to punchLouis but before he can do so Niall stands in front of them with a big smile, like always.   

"Make out already, we're going to be late for class" The boys look at him with disgusted looks on their faces and back away from each other realizing how close they actually were.

"C'mon Harry, I wanna get one of the good seats in class." Niall grabs Harry by the shoulder pulling him away from the scene. Harry follows but keeps his eyes locked on Louis who is staring back from where he stands.

After that, the day is easy going. It's the first day so the teachers haven't started properly yet. Louis has lunch with Zayn before he goes to the art class to paint during the break and then goes to the football pitch where some of his teammates are messing around with a football and talking.

After the last period the boys rush to the changing rooms and quickly change into their football kit. Normally, they take their time but today they go fast to hang up the welcome signs for Liam. Last year he injured himself in the first game and he wasn't able to play for the whole year but this year he's supposed to come back to the team.

Louis gets his poster out and sticks it to Liam's locker. Harry sees it and chuckles.

"Glitter? Really'"

Louis turns around "My sisters made it, do you have a problem with it?" He raises his eyebrows questioning.

"No, you do you princess"

Louis steps towards him while closing his fist but Liam walks into the room and his attention shifts to him who is now standing in the door laughing as all his teammates hurry to him, giving him hugs and kisses in the head.

"Oi oi, welcome back Payno" He hugs him and pats his back.

"Thanks Tommo" They break the hug and Liam goes to get changed.

Louis is the first one on the pitch. He runs a couple of laps before all the team gets there and then the coach comes out of his office. He greets them with a big smile on his face and when he's finally reached them he tells them all to sit down.

"Alright, first things first; we need a new captain"

Ed pats Louis's back in support and he just smiles at him before locking his hand together, nervousness clear on his face.

"I've decided that the captain this year should be..."

Louis' chest gets heavier with every word the coach says. His heart is beating so fast he feels it pumping inside. Louis's been playing football his whole life and this year is the most important to make his dream of becoming a professional football player come true. He wants to get into a good football program in university but without money he knows he's only opportunity is to show the universities how good he is.

"Harry. Congratulations, don't make me regret giving you this chance."

Harry jumps up in excitement and shouts while giving Louis a smug look. Louis gets up angrily and after a quick glare at Harry, who is still celebrating, he walks over to the coach.

"Coach, with all due respect, I don't think he deserves that spot. I've worked harder than him all year and there's no one that is as devoted to the team as me."

"Sorry, son. I've already made the decision"

Louis kicks the grass as some of his teammates try to comfort him.

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