Chapter 11

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Louis wakes up the next morning, head pounding from all the alcohol. He can barely recall most of last night but the image of Harry kissing him in the pool is still vivid in his mind. He fights back a smile as he turns to check if any of the boys are awake. Luke is on the couch snoring and Ashton is on a mattress on the floor fast asleep but when Louis turns to look at Liam who is on the bed next to his he finds him sitting down on the bed looking at his phone. Liam looks at him.

"Morning" He whispers.

"Morning." Louis replies with a raspy voice.

"Seems like someone had a little too much fun last night." Liam says laughing.

Louis' face fills with worry. Could he be referring to the kiss? Did he see? He starts to think about what he could mean but doesn't have much time to get to a conclusion because Liam starts talking again.

"You should probably drink less today."

"Alright mum, I'll try and drink less." He throws a pillow at Liam who catches it making Louis' attempt at mocking him seem a little pathetic.

"You hungry?" Liam asks, throwing the pillow back at Louis.

He hums an answer so they both get up and go to the kitchen. When they get out of the room they hear Niall and Harry talking from the kitchen and Louis' pulse gets faster. He doesn't know whether he should bring the kiss up to him or not, nor how he would do it. He doesn't even know if Harry remembers about it. When they get to the kitchen Liam greets them and Louis lifts a hand. Niall responds saying goodmorning and Harry stays quiet. To Louis it doesn't seem like Harry is acting different. He's his usual self absorbed kid; Louis doesn't even know why he would like a kiss with someone like him but here he is.

"Last night was awesome." Liam says to break the silence.

"Yeah, it was." Niall replies.

"I can barely remember anything cause I was too drunk but I guess that means it was good, right?" Harry says looking at Niall who laughs and pats him in the back. Louis doesn't say anything, he just ruffles through the food they bought trying to find anything for breakfast. He thinks about what Harry says trying to understand what he meant. Does he remember about the kiss? It could be like Louis' situation where most of the night is quite blurry but when it comes to their kiss it's all too clear or maybe it could be completely different and he doesn't remember at all. If it's the latter maybe if louis brings it up Harry will just laugh at him and that is definitely a reaction he is not looking for. And even if he remembers he may have not liked it and bringing it up would just make him look like he's desperate, which he isn't. He decides to leave it up to Harry. if he wants to bring it up he can do it himself.

The rest of the day, the boys play videogames and then have a football match out on the yard. For dinner they order pizza and they all watch a game on the TV. Nobody supports any of the teams that are playing so to make it interesting they bet on whose team is going to win. After that they play some more video games and around midnight some suggest going for a swim so they all follow.

As soon as Louis gets in the water he is reminded of the kiss he had on the exact same spot where he is now. He can feel Harry's eyes on him for a moment but he can't quite make it if it's because he's trying to annoy him or because he remembers. Louis avoids making eye contact with him for the rest of the night, doubt filling his insides everytime he fails.

Louis is talking to Luke when all of a sudden he feels something brush against his legs.and soon after he flies out of the water. Liam holds him so that he won't fall and Louis ends up on his shoulders. They tumble to keep their balance but somehow they manage not to fall.

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