Chapter 13

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Louis is in his car with Zayn. They are both waiting for Laura who is still trying to decide what to wear. They wait for about ten minutes and then call her to make sure she hasn't changed her mind about going.

"Can you guys help me choose?"

They go inside and sit on Laura's bed while she goes in and out of the bathroom showing them several outfits.

"You look great in all of them, can you just pick one please?" Zayn says flopping down in the bed.

"No, it's a New Year's Eve party, I want to look good."

"Do you want to look good for the party or for Niall?" Laura doesn't answer. Louis has come to terms with her liking Niall, after all, all that was wrong with him was that he liked Harry and well...

"The black dress is the better option, it's not slutty but you still look hot in it." Zayn says after another ten minutes of Laura trying on clothes.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, you should listen to him, I mean for once he's right so that must be a good sign." Zayn hits Louis in the arm and he just laughs in reply.

When they finally arrive at the party people are already drunk. Zayn and Laura grab some cups and start catching up with everybody else but Louis decided to hold off tonight. He has to drive back home and he doesn't want to risk it.

Louis looks around the room and his heartbeat raises when he sees Harry sitting across the room on a couch. Louis doesn't want to admit it but he is quite nervous to see him again. They haven't seen each other since his birthday, they've only texted, and now he doesn't really know how to greet him. The whole situation is just weird, they were enemies and now they're... Louis doesn't even know what they are. Should he give him a hand shake? Or perhaps a hug? Or maybe the appropriate thing would be to just kiss? Louis would sure like the last option but what if Harry doesn't? Plus they haven't really discussed whether they want to tell people or not.

Louis decided to approach him and decide how to greet him on the way but before he can reach a conclusion he realizes that Harry looks rather sad. He's not really talking to anybody, he's just staring at a blank spot, eyes lost in his thoughts. When he gets to him, Harry doesn't even realize that Louis is there so Louis sits down by his side and puts a hand on his thigh.

"Hey, you ok?" Harry comes back to earth as soon as he hears Louis' voice. He turns to face him and gives him a reassuring smile.

"Yeah, I was just bored but the party just got a lot more interesting." He looks Louis up and down once before grabbing the hand that still holds his thigh.

Louis squeezes his hand and smiles before giving him a worried look. "You sure?"

"Yeah." He gets up pulling Louis with him. "Let 's dance." He winks at Louis.

They dance for a while before going back to the couch to join the boys from the team who are now sitting down and chatting. Everybody seems to notice the change in dynamic between the two boys but nobody says anything and Louis is grateful for it because he doesn't understand it entirely himself. He's certain he likes Harry by now and he thinks it is safe to say the feeling is mutual, but they haven't really discussed what they are, both as a couple and as individuals. Before this Louis thought he only liked girls but that is clearly not the case, and he doesn't really know if he likes girls anymore now. Plus, he doesn't know what Harry likes either so it would just be too confusing to explain right now.

They chat with the team until they fall into their own conversation. They completely forget that other people are around them for a moment and all they can see or hear is each other. Louis finds it quite funny to think about because not so long ago he wouldn't even like to say hello to him and now he's the only person he wants to talk to. At some point someone from across the room calls them and warns the team that it's 23:45 and that they should start gathering around the TV. They get up and eventually find their New Years kiss. Louis wanders around the room not knowing whether he should ask Harry or not. They haven't talked about it and even though he assumed they'd be each other's kiss he didn't know if that's what Harry wanted. He looks around trying to find Harry when he suddenly bumps into someone and spills the drink they're carrying on them.

"Sorry." Louis says while looking up to find Harry looking back at him, staring into his eyes.

"Hi." He says in return.

"Oops." He grins looking apologetic.

"It's fine, I didn't like the shirt anyway." They both chuckle before falling into a weird silence.

Louis opens his mouth to say something but he gets interrupted by a girl who jumps in between them facing Harry. Louis gives her a scolding look but it doesn't have much effect on her since she's not facing him. Harry smiles and starts to talk to her. She's quite flirty and way too touchy, Louis can't help but feel jealous. He knows that Harry and him aren't anything, at least not official, but he still feels like he should be the only one kissing him tonight. It's silly because they are just talking but there's only two minutes til midnight and the clock is ticking. One minute goes by and Harry still doesn't end his conversation with her so Louis takes a step back and lets them talk while he just stands in the middle of the room looking at the floor disappointed. This is definitely not how he pictured this party ending up.

Everyone starts to count down from ten and Harry still hasn't stopped talking to that girl so Louis completely gives up hope that they will be kissing at midnight. He looks up when people yell 4 at the top of their lungs and sees Harry putting a finger up while nodding, the girl shuts up as he turns around looking at Louis. He reaches out with his hands capping Louis' face and bringing him closer.

"One." He says softly while everybody shouts. He presses his lips to Louis'. The kiss starts softs, just lips touching lips but Harry presses his tongue to Louis' bottom lip and Louis opens his mouth allowing the other boy to deepen the kiss. Louis wraps his hand around Harry's waist letting himself fall deeper and deeper into the kiss. People around them are now shouting and cheering but Louis can barely hear them, all he can focus on right now is Harry. The way his touch feels, the way his lips are moving smoothly, the way he tastes. He tastes so, so good. He could stay like this forever. But eventually they break the kiss, still holding each other.

"Happy New Year, Princess." Harry says, smirking. Louis rolls his eyes letting go of Harry and he turns around to try and leave. "Hey,c'mon. It's just a nickname."

"It's not a nice one." Harry grabs his shoulder making Louis face him. He looks at him with an apologetic look on his eyes, pouting in a way that makes Louis' stomach feel like a tornado is inside of him.

"Please, don't be upset." He says while grabbing Louis' hips and pulling him close again. Louis rolls his eyes but not because he's annoyed with Harry but because he's annoyed at himself for letting himself accept such a weak apology, but can you blame him? Harry just looks too cute to say no to. Harry pouts again and Louis finally gives in completely, putting his hands around his neck and kissing him again.

"Happy New Year to you too."

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