Chapter Thirty-Five

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Chapter Thirty-Five

"Hey, we're here. I can feel it" Lian hears Toph say as she groggily opens her eyes feeling sore all over. She felt nothing but sore. Her whole body felt like it had been stomped over by a pack of Kimono rhinos.

"Uh, I think your feet need their eyes checked" responds Katara.

"No, she's right, we are here" comes the voice of a relieved Aang.

Lian attempted to sit up and find out exactly were they were but the gentle movement of Appa gently pulled her back into sleep.

When Lian opened her eyes for the second time, she sees nothing but rock above her. Looking around, Lian came to the quick realisation that she was at an Air Temple judging by the statues of airbenders around here.

Lian had always assumed the air temples were high above the clouds but this one seemed different; she just couldn't figure out why.

As she slowly struggles to sit up, Lian hears the voices of Teo and The Duke heading towards her along with the rest of the gang who managed to escape the Fire Nation Capital.

"It's so different from the Northern Air Temple" says Teo, looking around in wonder "I wonder if there are any secret rooms."

"Let's go check it out" claims Haru excitedly, beckoning the others to join them.

The Duke and Teo excitedly follow Haru out. Aang attempts to follow but is stopped by Katara. "You guys go. Aang, I think we need to talk about some things."

"Why can't I go?" moans Aang.

"We need to decide what we're gonna do now. And since you're the Avatar, maybe you should be a part of this" says Katara seriously.

Instead of responding, Aang just releases a dejected sigh before taking a seat on the stone bench where Toph and Sokka are already sitting.

"Mind if I join?" says Lian weakly, alerting the others that she was awake.

"Lian!" exclaims Katara happily, rushing over to check on her friend.

"What you did was so foolish! You could have died!" scolds Katara as she uses her waterbending skills to check on Lian's injuries. Once done, Katara helps Lian over the where the others were sitting.

"Where are we?" asks Lian.

"The Western Air Temple, we should be safe here" responds Aang giving Lian a slight smile. Lian didn't have to be a genius to understand that he was happy to see her up.

"So, what's the new plan?" asks Toph.

"Well, if you ask me, the new plan is the old plan. You just need to master all four elements, and confront the Fire Lord before the comet comes" responds Sokka confidently. Sokka was always good with plans.

"Oh, yeah, that's great" says Aang sarcastically, picking up a peddle and throwing it across the room. "No problem, I'll just do that."

"Aang, no one said it's gonna be easy" comforts Katara.

"I can't even firebend!" continues Aang frustratedly.

"Well, it's a good thing I'm here!" says Lian happily. "I can teach you."

"Are you even well enough to do so? You did just fall from the sky? Says Toph hesitantly.

"I'm fine" says Lian, waving of Tophs concern. "We can start now Avatar."

"Really?" says Katara, raising her eyebrow. "Then stand."

In attempt to prove them wrong, Lian begins to stand but the pain across her legs and midriff nearly makes her fall if Sokka wasn't there to catch her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2021 ⏰

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