Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

Azula still wasn't over the embarrassment of being thrown overboard from her own ship. In fact, it only made her angrier and even more dedicated to capturing Zuko and her father. Not only had they managed to get away, they now knew Fire Lord Ozai wanted them to spend the rest of their lives in prison.

Lian wondered where Zuko and her father were now and whether they were safe. At least when Zuko was travelling as a banished Prince, he still had his crew, a ship and access to funds. Now he had nothing and knew his father's decision hadn't waivered in the last three years. She mourned for Zuko, a young boy who just wanted to return home and gain his father's love but she also mourned for Azula.

Azula, while menacing and powerful, was still a young girl tasked with a dangerous mission by her father to capture her brother. It wasn't right.

Lian looked over to where Azula sat opposite her, eating her dinner silently on the deck of the ship. Azula's teachers, Li and Lo also joined them. The weather was lovely and Lian had finally managed to convince Azula to spent some time with her, even if it meant she also had to listen to the elderly twins go on about their youth,

"How's your rice?" asks Lian, hoping to start a conversation.

"Fine" came the short answer of Azula.

"It's such a lovely evening and the ship is docked. Maybe we should go to the beach tomorrow?"

Azula slammed her bowl down, looking up at her cousin. "This isn't a holiday Lian" she hisses "We're here to find the traitors and then return home. That's it."

"When tracking your brother and uncle, traveling with a royal procession may no longer be an option" starts Li or was it Lo.

"May no longer be wise...if you hope to keep the element of surprise" finishes the other.

Azula pondered over what her teachers had said before nodding her head in agreement. "You're right. The royal procession is dead weight. If I want to catch my prey, I must be agile and nimble. I need a small, elite team. Lian, it's time to visit some old friends."


After leaving Azula's ship, she travelled with her cousin into Fire Nation territory – to a well-known Fire Nation circus where apparently an old friend of Azula was. Once at the circus, Azula walked around acting like she owned the place before finally heading into a pink circus tent.

Lian immediately recognised the upside-down young girl inside – a close friend of her cousin after they both met at the Royal Fire Academy for Girls.

"Ty Lee, could that possibly be you?" asks Azula in fake wonder.

The pretty, bright eyed girl with a long black pony tail turned upright gracefully, smiling widely at her cousin.


Ty Lee bows respectfully before rushing over to envelope Azula in a bear hug. Surprisingly, her cousin smiles and returns the hug.

"It is so good to see you!" exclaims the young girl dressed in pink and red.

"You remember my cousin Lian"

"Of course!" responds Ty Lee, bowing respectfully. "It's a pleasure to see you again, Your Highness."

"Lian is fine" responds Lian, smiling at the energetic girl in front of her. She remembered fondly how Azula often played in the gardens of the Palace with Ty Lee and their other friend. Sometimes they even tried to persuade Lian to play with them. "Please, don't let us interrupt your... erm... whatever it is you were doing" continues Lian.

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