Chapter One

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Chapter One

Lian watched curiously in the shadows as a small, battered ship docked in the Fire Nation naval yard. There was nothing significant about the ship despite its damaged look giving the impression of an epic battle. In fact, compared to the other ships in the yard, it was nothing but a small, inferior ship not worthy of being in the same location of some of the other ships around it.

Despite this, Lian knew why she was drawn to the ship. She herself had been on it around six months ago when she decided to pay her father and cousin a visit while they were in Chameleon Bay. Despite other family members choosing to ignore her relatives, Lian tried to visit as much as she could – of course this was only possible when she wasn't busy with work or her Uncle, the Fire Lord allowed it.

As she watched from the shadows, the damaged ship opened and two figures entered the naval yard whispering quietly although Lian was close enough hear.

She heard her baby cousin speak first: "Uncle, I want the repairs made as quickly as possible. I don't want to stay too long and risk losing his trail"

"You mean the Avatar?" replied her father.

"Don't mention his name on these docks! Once word gets out that he's alive every firebender will be out looking for him and I don't want anyone getting in the way" responded Zuko angrily, frustrated at his uncle's words.

"Getting in the way of what, Prince Zuko?" Lian had been so stunned and focused on the conversation that she neglected to hear the footsteps of another walking in their direction. Judging by the look of surprise on her cousin and fathers faces, they too were stunned to be joined by Commander Zhao.

"Captain Zhao" greeted Zuko with distaste.

"It's Commander now. And General Iroh - great hero of our nation." Despite my father's decision to leave the Fire Nation to follow his nephew on a wild goose chase, many at home still held a lot of respect and admiration for The Dragon of the West.

"Retired general" corrected my father.

"The Fire Lord's brother and son are welcome guests any time. What brings you to my harbour?"

"Our ship is being repaired" replied my father, most likely believing it was better he spoke instead of the hot-headed prince.

"That's quite a bit of damage."

Before my father could reply, Zuko responded swiftly "yes... you wouldn't believe what happened... Uncle! Tell Commander Zhao what happened."

Lian couldn't help but chuckle at her cousins attempt to force her father to come up with a lie. She knew her father well enough to know putting him on the spot wouldn't help – her poor father was not one for lies. Although now that she thought about it, neither was Zuko.

Surprised by the burden placed on him by Zuko, her father attempts to come up with a believable lie. "Yes, I will do that. It was incredible." He says before leaning towards his nephew. "What... did we crash or something?"

Knowing his uncle was unable to formulate a lie, Zuko quickly responded hoping to salvage the falsehood. "Uh, yes! Right into an Earth Kingdom ship."

Playing along, Zhao responds: "Really? You must regale me with all the thrilling details... Join me for a drink?"

"Sorry, but we have to go" replies Zuko already preparing to turn about and leave before being stopped by her father with a hand on his shoulder.

"Prince Zuko, show Commander Zhao your respect. We would be honoured to join you. Do you have any ginseng tea? It's my favourite."

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