Chapter Thirty-One

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Chapter Thirty-One

The gang look at each other curiously before Aang finally nods, interested in knowing who it was.

Piandao leads the group into the manor and they follow silently before finally stopping at a door in what was probably the most secure room in the entire manor.

Aang's eyes widen as he catches sight of a man outside the door, watching them enter. Although he didn't know this one particular, Aang knew from the unique eye tattoos and dark clothing that he was a Yu Yan archer – a group of skilled Fire Nation archers who had successfully captured him on behalf of Zhao.

"Why is he here?" demands Aang while the others look on confused. "Why did you bring us here?"

The Yu Yan ignores the Avatar and instead glares at Piandao. "No" he says defiantly causing Piandao to sigh.

"Kai, they're her friends. She wants to see them" explains Piandao. Sokka, Katara, Aang and Toph all look at each other confused by who it could be.

"Some friends" snorts Kai. "She's always in danger when she's near them."

"It's her choice" argues Piandao.

Before Kai can argue otherwise, a voice from within the room startles them and alerts the gang of who was in the room.

"Kai, what's happening?"

Aang rushes in first, not believing what he had just heard. As he enters, glad that the archer, didn't stop him, his eyes widen at the young injured girl laying on the bed.

Katara, Sokka and Toph all rush in too.

"Is it really her?" murmurs Toph.

"Lian!" cries Katara, rushing towards the injured girl and answering Toph's question.

Kai expected the watertribe girl to engulf Lian in a hug which he knew would have caused her pain. Instead Katara stops besides Lian, taking out some water from the skin she carried and pressed the water against the wound of her upper chest.

Lian moans in relief, feeling some of the pain disappearing. Kai's eyes widen not realising the she was a healer. If Lian had told them he would have brought her straight away. Trust Lian not to say so, thought Kai.

"Is this a dream" exclaims Sokka rubbing his eyes in shock. "How are you alive?"

Lian smiles, feeling the ache in her chest beginning to lighten. "It's all thanks to Kai and Master Piandao."

Katara and Sokka don't say anything as they see Lian blush when she mentions the archer. They had never met one before but it seems Aang had – perhaps it was a question for another time.

"I'll sure you have a lot to catch up on" announces Piandao, moving to the door. "Let us know if you need anything, Princess."

Kai knew he should probably leave too, to allow Lian some privacy with her friends. However, instead of following Piandao out he walked in the opposite direction and sat in the chair besides Lian's bed. The smile she gave him made Kai glad he chose to stay.

Immediately, Sokka, Katara and Toph all sit besides the bed eager to hear how Lian was alive.

"I thought the Fire Lord sentenced you to death!" exclaims Sokka.

"Did you know the whole world thinks your dead?" asks Katara.

"Is it true you took down a whole army of Dai Li before they captured you?" wonders Toph.

"He did, yes I know and no, I didn't but I'm happy for people to think that" laughs Lian.

Lian explained how she was alive – starting with her attempts to fight the Dai Li once Katara and Aang had left to the day of her execution. Kai sat quietly, only adding information on his role in getting Lian here. The trio also listened in wonder and relief, happy to know that Lian was alive.

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