Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Lian and her father had been of Admiral Zhao's ships for a few days now as it sailed closer to the North Pole. Lian dressed in white – the colours of mourning in the Fire Nation – as she pretended to mourn the loss of her cousin. Her act meant Zhao was more likely to believe that Zuko was actually dead and it also meant he stayed away from her, allowing her to mourn in peace.

Since no one wanted to disturb the mourning Princess, Zuko was easily able to sneak into her cabin and the cousins spent dinner eating and chatting – sometimes joined by her father. Her father, however, was often busy helping Zhao prepare for the attack on the North Pole. After the loss of her brother, her father had lost his appetite for war but they both knew they had a role to play in convincing Zhao otherwise.

After asking some soldiers on board, Lian learnt that her father was in the Captains room which was where she was heading now. She knew they would reach the North Pole soon.

"This will truly be one for the history books, General Iroh" she heard Zhao say proudly as she entered. "Just think, centuries from now, people will study the great Admiral Zhao who destroyed the last of the Water Tribe civilization. You're lucky you're here to see it."

Her father smiled as she walked over to him, placing a kiss on his cheek before nodding respectfully to Zhao.

"Be careful what you wish for, Admiral. History is not always kind to its subjects" responds her father.

"I suppose you speak from experience? But rest assured, this will be nothing like your legendary failure at Ba-Sing-Se."

"I hope not, for your sake." Neither she, nor her father, liked to remember what happened at Ba-Sing-Se. Not only did her father come home unsuccessful, many things went tragically wrong. Her brother was killed fighting in the battle, her Grandfather, Fire Lord Azulon mysteriously died, her Uncle instead of her Father was crowned the new Fire Lord and her aunt, Zuko's mother, mysteriously disappeared. Lian knew something wasn't right, the throne was rightfully her fathers but she stood back like her father and watched instead as Fire Lord Ozai escalated the war.

"Tell the Captains to prepare for first strike" instructs Zhao. Although the command was for her father, Lian decided to carry it out. Preferring to do so instead of being alone with the creepy Admiral.

Lian walks always, down the corridor, passing a guard who she recognised straight away.

"We'll be landing soon. Do you have a plan?" she whispered to the masked guard.

"I'm working on it, Cousin." Whispers Zuko before walking away. Lian frowned. Did Zuko expect to walk into the Water Tribe, take the Avatar and easily walk out?


The second the Fire Nation ships came close to the Water Nation city, Zhao attacked. Fireball after fireball rained down on the city – all with the intention of destroying their defences. Lian watched from the deck of Zhao's ship as waves of water met some of fireballs acting as a barrier while other fireballs were frozen before they could hit the city. Some did reach their mark and Lian closed her eyes hoping no one was hurt.

As the sun lowered and the moon rose, the onslaught stopped and Lian signed in relief. She knew her father had spoken to Zhao about how waterbenders draw their power from the moon and that it was nearly full tonight. It made sense for Zhao to stop the attack and wait for the sun to rise again. As the attack stopped, Lian hoped it gave the city enough time to recover and tend to their wounded. She knew Zhao wouldn't be as forgiving in the morning.

As the Fire Navy ships dropped their anchors for the night, Lian, now dressed in black to stay in the shadows, made her way to the back of the command ship in time to meet Zuko and her father.

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