Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Lian had hoped the storm would begin to settle by now but instead it grew more ferocious as they continued to sail. There was no point turning back now, the storm was around them and Lian was worried Zuko's ship would not be able to handle it. The ship had already been damaged so many times, she had no clue as to how it kept sailing.

Waves after waves hit the ship, water crashed onto the deck as Lian and Zuko struggled to stay upright. They were drenched in water and struggling to run without sliding all over the place. Others joined them on the deck including her father and Lieutenant Jee as they watched on in horror as the waves continued to collide with the ship.

"What should we do Zuko?" shouted Lian over the sounds of the waves. Before Zuko could respond, lightning is heard around them when suddenly a bolt struck the ship forcing everyone to look away from the blinding light.

"Where were we hit?" screamed Zuko, holding on to Lian so she didn't fall.

"I don't know!" screamed Lieutenant Jee back.

"Look!" she sees her father point to the bridge tower and her eyes widen at the sight of a crewmen hanging of the rigging. Another strike would surely see him fall to the crashing waves below and Lian wasn't sure how long he could hold on for.

"The helmsman!" shouts Zuko racing over to the external ladder up to the bridge area, the Lieutenant behind him. The helmsman struggling to hold up, releases a cry as he loses his grip and begins to fall. He falls for a moment, but a hand grabs him. Zuko and the Lieutenant work together lower the helmsman onto the ladder and back too safety and Lian sighs in relief.

"Father, the lightning will strike again any minute" shouted Lian hoping her father could hear her "We have to do something!"

Lightning strikes hit the waves around them and as one shoots towards the ship Iroh bends the lightning through his body, away from the ship and redirecting it back to the sky. As another aimed for the ship, Lian copies her father and redirects the lightning. Her body felt as though she had just been electrocuted by an eel but she also couldn't help but also feel alive. Her father had witnessed Lian redirect the lightning and couldn't help but feel proud, he had taught her well.

As Zuko and the Lieutenant reach the deck with the injured helmsman, the flying bison is seen clearly flying through the clouds also trying to avoid the waves and lightening.

"The Avatar!" exclaims Zuko

"What do you want to do, sir?" asks the Lieutenant.

Zuko pauses and looks around, catching Lian's eyes who looks away. This was a decision Zuko had to make by himself.

"Let him go. We need to get this ship to safety" says Zuko softly.

"Then we must head directly into the eye of the storm" smiles Iroh, smiling proudly at Zuko.

Lian helps the men direct the ship into the eye of the storm, sighing a relief as the ship reaches safely. Lian looks over her shoulder in time to see Zuko head over to her father.

"Uncle, I am sorry" says Zuko

"Your apology is accepted."


Working together, everyone managed to make it safely past the storm which only hours ago felt like it was going to rip through the ship. As the ship sailed slowly to the nearest port, Lian couldn't help but look out in wonder.

Realisation soon hit her as Lian let out a gasp. "I know where we are!"

"Huh? How could you know that?" asked Zuko surveying the damage.

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