Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three

Although Lian didn't technically work for Pao, today she found herself serving customers at the tea shop. Business was booming for Pao and the wave of new customers meant he needed more staff to help him deal with the new influx of fans eager to try 'the best tea in Ba-Sing-Se' as said by some customers. Lian didn't mind helping out, she didn't have any plans today so at least she could get paid instead.

After cleaning a table, Lian moved to another in time to see her father pouring tea for a wealthily dressed man and his bodyguards. As her father walks away, they sip the tea and smile, then rise to approach him. Lian watches, cautiously, prepared to step in if necessary. They didn't see wealthy men often in this part of town so she couldn't help but be slightly worried.

"So, you're the genius behind this incredible brew. The whole city is buzzing about you" says the wealthy man, holding out his hand for Iroh to shake and revealing the glittering rings on his hand. "The names Quon. I hope Pao pays you well."

"Good tea is its own reward" smiles Iroh, accepting the handshake.

"But it doesn't have to be the only reward. How would you like to have your own tea shop?" asks Quon.

"My own tea shop?" repeats a stunned Iroh. "This is a dream come true."

Pao, having heard enough of the conversation, rushes past Lian to intervene. "What's going on here? Are you trying to poach my tea maker?" he says, throwing himself in front of Iroh and Quon.

"Sorry Pao, that's business for you, am I right?" laughs Quon confidently.

"Mushie, if you stay, I will make you Assistant Manager. Wait, Senior Assistant manager" intervenes a desperate Pao.

"I'll provide you with a new apartment in the upper ring. The Tea shop is yours to do whatever you want. Complete creative freedom" bargains Quon.

"I even get to name the shop?" says Iroh, stunned.

"Of course!"

"Uh, Senior Executive Assistant Manager?" pleads Pao but even he knows he's fighting a losing battle.

"Did you hear?" says an excited Iroh, turning to face his daughter and nephew who had just come out of the kitchen, "This man wants to give us our own tea shop in the upper ring of the city!"

"That's right children. Your lives are about to change for the better" declares Quon.

Zuko, unbothered by the news, walks towards the front door. "I'll try to contain my joy" he says sarcastically before stepping outside.

"He's just surprised" explains Lian to Quon before turning to pull her father into a celebratory hug. "Congratulations father, you deserve it!"

With that Lian and her father left the shop early to return to their apartment and start packing for their move to the upper ring. Lian explained the situation to Pao who reluctantly understood before she bid him farewell and promised to see him soon.

"So, I was thinking about names for my new tea shop. How about the Jasmine Dragon? It's dramatic, poetic, has a nice ring to it" thinks Iroh to himself while packing his bags.

Lian just smiles knowing her father will go through a hundred names before finally picking one.

"What about 'flaming tea'?" jokes Lian as Zuko finally enters their apartment.

"The Avatar's here in Ba Sing Se" declares Zuko, holding out a leaflet "and he's lost his bison."

"Appa?" says a stunned Lian, reading the leaflet.

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