Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

Lian remembered the last and only time she had visited Ba-Sing-Se. It was one of the places she had visited when her Uncle finally gave her permission to travel. A lot had changed since then. Although disguised the previous time, Lian was a proud Princess eager to learn more about the city her family would one day conquer. She had to admit that back then, she was snobby and looked down on the poor Earth Kingdom peasants.

Now she was returning with no pride, as a refuge running from the people she would once have given her life for. Despite the difference, Lian felt happier and more relaxed this time around. She had the most important people in her life around her and she felt like a different person. This was her second chance to see the beauty of Ba-Sing-Se and not just a piece of land for the taking.

Last time Lian was here, she had no passport. Well, she had a Fire Nation passport but she didn't think that would get her entry into the city. Instead she trekked through the Serpent's Pass and only just made it across in one piece. Lian wasn't sure why it was call such but once she saw the large sea monster that nearly killed her, it made a lot more sense.

This time was different. With the help of her fathers' friend, all three were able to get Earth Kingdom passports which allowed them safe ferry passage from Full Moon Bay. The Bay was only accessible with the help of earthbenders who guarded the way. No wonder why the Fire Nation weren't aware of the passage.

Once the vessel finally launched into the water and started sailing towards their new home, Lian couldn't help but sigh in relief. The Fire Nation could never break through the walls of the city and they never would.

Lian stands on the deck with her father looking out into the water. "Who would have thought, after all these years, I'd return to the scene of my greatest military a tourist" says her father solemnly.

"Look around, we're not tourists, we're refugees" reminds Lian as Zuko approaches wearing a new straw hat that suits him well.

"I'm sick of eating rotten food, sleeping in the dirt... I'm tired of living like this" rants Zuko. Before Lian could reply and tell him to be grateful that we're even alive, another voice joins the conversation.

"Aren't we all?" says a young boy, around her age with dark shaggy hair. In his mouth was a sprig of wheat which added to the rebellious look he was going for. "My name's Jet, and these are my freedom fighters, Smellerbee, and Longshot" he continues introducing them to a short young girl with red facial markings and another taller boy with a similar straw hat to Zuko.

"Hey" says Smellerbee while Longshot nods politely.

Lian and Zuko nod back, curious as to why 'freedom fighters' were speaking to them.

"Here's the deal. I hear the Captain's eating like a king, while us refugees have to feed off his scraps. Doesn't seem fair, does it?" says Jet seriously, getting straight into business.

"What sort of "king" is he eating like?" interjects her father.

"The fat, happy kind. You want to help us "liberate" some food?" questions Jet, smiling at Lian.

Just as Lian was prepared to say no, Zuko chimes in. "We're in" he says before turning to Lian and daring her to say otherwise.

Lian just crosses her arms but nods reluctantly.

Jet then explained the plan to the group and Lian couldn't help but notice he was a natural born leader. Once everyone understood the plan, they parted ways to execute it.

Zuko stealthily leads Jet, Smellerbee and her past a guard and on to the highest floor of the ship where the kitchens were. While Lian and Smellerbee kept watched, Jet picked the lock of the kitchen door easily before both boys burst in and started placing delicious looking food into the bag.

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