Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Since the dramatic meeting with Commander Zhao and the Avatar at Crescent Island not much had happened since. Zuko's ship managed to sneak back into Earth Kingdom water territory although Lian didn't breathe a sigh of relief until they were as far as possible from the blockade.

Since Zhao had seen her at the Temple, Lian waited expectedly for a hawk from her Uncle demanding she returned to the Capital – it was inevitable. While she was given some freedoms that not even Azula had, her Uncle would be angry to learn she was travelling with her cousin and father on their quest to find the Avatar. Since Zuko's banishment two years ago, Uncle Ozai hardly mentioned his eldest child. Instead he spent the last two years acting like he had one child.

Like most days, Zuko was out at the front of the ship sparring with some of the others aboard. He tried to convince Lian to spar with him but they both knew Lian had little appetite for fighting and instead preferred to us use diplomacy over violence. That didn't mean Lian couldn't fight, it just meant most people had never actually do so.

In the Captain's room, Lian sat opposite her father concentrating on the game of Pai Sho in front of them. As always, her father was not only winning but making her look like a fool in front of the over crewmen watching. She hesitantly went to move a piece forward observing her father. The old man only smirked making her reluctant to make the move.

Instead she moved another piece thinking it was a safer option. Her father, with his tea in one hand, calmly moved a piece before declaring "I win... again"

The crewmen around Lian laughed while letting her know she'll have better luck next time. "Whatever" sulked Lian "no one places Pai Sho anymore anyway"

"Lotus flower, don't be such a sore loser" laughed her father packing up the pieces "although I'm not sure how you're my daughter if you can't even last 10 minutes in the game" he continued his teasing until he suddenly froze, dread filling his face.

"Father, what's wrong?" asked Lian, worried about the sudden change in her father.

Instead of responding her father rushed over to the helmsman steering the ship. "Change course immediately. Take us to the nearest village!" The ship suddenly tilts as the helmsman changes its course.

Taking her fathers hand, Lian guides him to the nearest seat bringing him a cup of tea. Before she can ask what's wrong, the door opens and Zuko burst through. "Someone's changing our course!" he says rushing over to grab the helmsman at the wheel "What's the meaning of this mutiny? No one told you to change course!"

Her father, having finally calmed down, responds instead "Actually, someone did. I assure you it is a matter of utmost importance, Prince Zuko."

"Is it something to do with the Avatar?"

"Even more urgent. It seems... I've lost my lotus tile."

Lian looks at her father, stunned that his reaction was all due to a lotus piece. "Really father" questions Lian with disbelief.

"Lotus tile?" says Zuko in a dangerously low voice.

Ignoring her cousins' tone, her father responds "For my Pai Sho game. Most people think the lotus tile insignificant, but it is essential for the unusual strategy that I employ."

Growing angrier, Zuko asks "You've changed our course for a stupid lotus tile?"

"See, you, like most people, underestimate its value. Just give me ten minutes to check the merchants at this port of call. Hopefully they'll have the lotus tile in stock and I can get on with my life!"

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