Chapter Thirty-Four

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Chapter Thirty-Four

Aang, Sokka, Toph and Lian continue rushing into the bunker – knowing the eclipse was going to start any minute now and they still didn't know where the Fire Lord was.

As they turn a corner, heading further into the tunnel the group spot a lone figure who Lian immediately recognises as War Minister Qin walking down a tunnel. However, before he can do anything, Sokka already has his sword by his neck and Toph stomps the ground warning the minister of what she could do. Qin presses his back against the wall and raises his hands in surrender.

"The Fire Lord's chamber is that way down the hall to the left and up the stairs. You can't miss it" announces the Minister.

The gang continue to glare until Aang suddenly smile cheerfully. "Thanks!"

The group follow the minsters directions, leading them to a large elaborate door which must have the Fire Lord on the other side. Lian breathes in, unsure if she even wanted to see the man who had sentenced her to death.

Sokka pulls out a device given to him by the Mechanist which allows and checks their time. "Only 30 seconds until the total eclipse."

Aang takes a deep breath and closes his eyes before opening them with determination. "I'm ready. I'm ready to face the Fire Lord."

Aang suddenly spins his staff creating a clast of air which blows the hinges of the door. The group rush into the low-lit long room with a single throne at the end of the hall. Lian's eyes widen at who she sees sitting in it.

"Well, I expected you were alive" says Azula, turning her gaze from Aang to Lian. "But you Lian, this sure is a surprise."

The group stand speechless, allowing Azula to continue smugly.

"I had a hunch that you survived Avatar. It doesn't matter, I've known about the invasion for months."

"Where is he? Where is the Fire Lord?" demands Aang.

"Hm, you mean I'm not good enough for you? You're hurting my feelings" responds Azula sarcastically.

"Stop wasting our time and give us the information. You're powerless right now so you're in no position to refuse" says Sokka, brandishing his sword.

"And stick to the truth. I'll be able to tell if you're lying" adds Toph.

"Are you sure? I'm a pretty good liar... I am a 400-foot-tall purple platypus bear with pink horns and silver wings."

"Okay you're good, I admit it" says Toph after a short pause.

"Enough of this, we're wasting time" speaks up Lian for the first time.

"You guys find the Fire Lord, I'll stay here with her and make sure she doesn't do anything she shouldn't" says Lian cold, no evident of love in her voice.

Azula only smirks although shocked at the hardness in Lian's eyes.

"Did you really think I would be here alone cousin?" All of a sudden two Dai Li agents drop from the ceiling to stand protectively in front of Azula. "When I left Ba Sing Se, I brought home some souvenirs."

Having had enough, Aang swings his staff at them, throwing out a blast of wind. The Dai Li both bend a stone wall in front and completely nullify the attack.

A stone structure erupts from the floor where Aang is standing, but he jumps away from it and jumps off one of the metal beams and flips forward. The two Dai Li agents pull two slabs from the ground and fling them at Aang, but he deflects them with two kicks. Toph bursts through the stone, landing between the agents and bends two diagonal pillars of stone up from beneath them as she lands, pushing them towards the walls. The agents both land of the walls feet first and both bend a pillar of stone down at Toph, who blocks the attacks by bending two stone walls up from the floor.

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