Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

Back in the village the day after the tournament, Sokka proudly walks around wearing the belt Aang had won. "I gotta admit, now I'm really glad I bought this bag. It matches the belt perfectly."

"That is a big relief" replies Katara sarcastically.

Lian eyes Aang, seeing the look of disappointment on his face and tries to give him some hope. "Avatar, if we want to find The Blind Bandit, the Earthbending Academy is a good place to start."

The group enter Master Yu's academy once again and the two boys who had previously told them about the tournament freeze as they see them walk in.

"Oh great, you again" says one of the boys receiving a glare from Katara which makes them both flinch.

The other turns his stare to Aang before realisation crosses his face. "Hey, you're the kid who beat The Blind Bandit."

"We need to talk to her. Do you guys know where she lives?" asks Lian politely.

The first student shakes his head. "The Blind Bandit's a mystery. She shows up to fight, then disappears" he says, leaving Aang disappointed again.

"Let me handle this" says Katara places a hand of support on Aang's shoulder before turning to glare at the two boys "You're not telling us everything!"

"No no, I swear it's true! No one knows where she goes, or who she really is" says one of the boys nervously, holding his hands up in front of him.

"That's because we're asking about the wrong person. In my vision, I saw a girl in a white dress with a pet flying boar. Know anybody like that?" asks Aang, after a moment lost in though.

The two students pause, thinking about it before one of them speaks up. "Well, a flying boar is the symbol of the Bei Fong family. They're the richest people in town, probably the whole world but they don't have a daughter."

"Flying boar is good enough for me" responds Aang excitedly before turning to his friends "Let's check it out."

Katara glares at the boys as they leave.

"Water Tribe" smirks Lian to the boys as she follows the group.

It wasn't hard to find the Bei Fong family, they just headed to the biggest house. Nor was it difficult to pass their guards and watch a young girl in a fancy white gown in the gardens from the bushes.

"What are you doing here, twinkle toes?" calls out the Bandit.

"How did you know it was me?" asks Aang in wonder, revealing his position.

"Don't answer to twinkle toes. It's not manly!" whines Sokka.

"You're the one whose bag matches his belt" mutters Lian as Katara snickers.

"How did you find me?" repeats the Bandit.

"Well, a crazy king told me I had to find an earthbender who listens to the earth. And then I had a vision in a magic swamp and..."

Cutting off Aang, Katara provides a simpler answer. "What Aang is trying to say is, he's the Avatar, and if he doesn't master earthbending soon he won't be able to defeat the Fire Lord."

"Not my problem. Now get out of here or I'll call the guards" says the Bandit, uninterested.

"Look, we all have to do our part to win this war. And yours is to teach Aang earthbending" says Sokka trying to convince her.

Instead of responding, the bandit turns and shouts distraughtly. "Guards! Guards, help!"

The group hurry away as two guards rush over. "Toph, what happened?" says the Guard.

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