Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Today, Lian was doing something she had definitely not expected to do. The crew had formed a circle, some cheering while others looked on in amazement. In the middle of the circle stood Lian and Zuko sparring.

Zuko had asked her constantly to spar with him and each time she said no. Not because she feared she might hurt her cousin or that he would hurt her but simply because she didn't want too. Lian had never seen the appeal in sparring but her cousins everyday pleading had finally worn her down.

Lian danced around the circle keeping an eye on Zuko as he sent balls after balls of fire after her – each missing her. "Stop messing around Lian!" yelled a frustrated Zuko. Lian had yet to retaliate and instead smiled as she skipped around each blast. Growing frustrated, Zuko continued his barrage of flames with little success. Deciding that firebending wasn't going to help, Zuko instead ran towards his target sliding as he reached her, ready to take out her legs. But Lian was ready and as her cousin reached her Lian cartwheeled away landing gracefully on the other side of the circle.

"Is she even a firebender?" Lian heard behind her from one of the crewmen. Lian looked around, winking in response.

"Come on Zuzu, show me what father has been teaching you" goaded Lian knowing it would only make him angrier. However, from the look of determination, Lian soon realised it probably wasn't a good idea to tease her already angry cousin – she knew her cousin sometimes let anger control his firebending.

With wide eyes, Lian watched as a frustrated Zuko kicked a large ball of flame right towards her. It was the largest ball of flame Lian had ever seen Zuko produced and she knew she couldn't just skip out of the way – the men behind her wouldn't be able to avoid it and someone would end of getting hurt.

Instead, Lian stood her ground and watched as the ball of flame neared her. Zuko's eyes widen, having just realised what a dangerous position he had put his cousin in. Lian just ignored him focusing on the ball of flame. In a blink of an eye, Lian 'caught' the ball of flame and redirected it into the sky. The crew and Zuko watched on as the sky above them turned a beautiful shade of orange and red as the flames expanded before finally going out.

The deck of the ship was filled with silence before erupting into a round of applause at the amazing sight they had seen. However, the fight wasn't over yet and Lian was ready to finish it. Cartwheeling her way over to Zuko, avoiding his fiery fists, Lian grabbed one wrist pulling it beneath his back and forcing him onto his knees.

"Surrender" she hissed in his ears although her tone let Zuko know she was amused.

"Lian, let your cousin go now" came the commanding voice of her father as he joined them on the deck "we can't have you injuring the young Prince, can we now?"

Lian just smiled releasing her cousin and skipping over to her father, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "You won't always be there to defend him father" she teasingly reprimanded.

Her father ignored her sniffing the air around them as Zuko slowly got up, wiping the dirt of his clothes.

"There is a storm coming. A big one" declared her father.

"You're out of your mind, Uncle. The weather's perfect. There is not a cloud in sight" countered Zuko waving to the clear blue sky.

"Are you sure father?" questioned Lian also uncertain due to the clear, sunny day.

"Yes. The storm is approaching from the north. I suggest we alter our course and head southwest" said a certain Iroh.

"We know the Avatar is traveling northward, so we will do the same" countered a stubborn Zuko.

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