Chapter Thirty-Two

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Chapter Thirty-Two

Kai left shortly soon after to intercept any messages from the Fire Lord to his father at the Yu Yan stronghold. If any message came via hawk, Lian was confident that Kai would be able to capture the message before anyone else saw it. If their mission failed, which it wouldn't, and the Fire Lord demanded to know why the Yu Yan didn't protect the capital from the Avatar, Kai could just play dumb and say they never received the message.

Without the Yu Yan archers and an army on soldiers unable to firebend, Aang should hopefully make it to the Palace in time to take down her Uncle.

Lian tried to find faults in the plan but she couldn't, Sokka's plan was perfect. Speaking of Aang and Sokka, the gang all left shortly after Kai but with information on where to meet her to join the invasion force. The group had decided to continue their travels across the fire nation while Aang continued learning water and earthbending.

After some much need rest, Lian was ready to join Aang and was eager for the Fire Lord's reign of terror to finally come to an end. It was long overdue.

"Are you ready?" came the voice of Piandao bringing her back to reality.

"Yes" replies Lian, smiling warmly. With help from Piandao and his butler, Fat, Lian was able to get out of bed unassisted and no longer felt pain in her upper chest. "Thank you for all your help Master, I could never repay you."

"Nonsense" dismisses Piandao. "You will always find friends here, Princess."

Lian was lost for words as Piandao and Fat both walked with her to the exit. She had only met this man once when she was younger and yet he had done more for her than most of her family. Lian was starting to realise that blood didn't always mean loyalty. Look at Zuko for example, her baby cousin who she had always seen as her little brother betrayed her when she thought she could always trust him.

She wouldn't make that mistake again. She wouldn't let family blind her from the truth and from doing what was right. As she reached the exit to Piandao's home, she took him by surprise by pulling him into a hug hoping it expressed how grateful she was. The swordmaster smiled and patted her back before she turned and pulled Fat into an equalling grateful hug.

"Remember Princess, you may be healed but you still shouldn't over do yourself" advises Piandao. Although Lian was physically ready, he wasn't so sure about her mentally. He knew she liked to hide it but her almost death by her own family had put a strain on her. She was more cautious and the look in her eyes almost looked haunted. She didn't know he was aware but Piandao had heard her crying at night and by her dark eyes he knew she hadn't had much sleep.

Lian had practiced fire bending while she was here but it wasn't the same. There was no blue flames and she wasn't able to lightning bend – it was almost like she was afraid.

"And don't lighting bend, it could undo all your recovery" warns Piandao seriously.

"I know, I won't overdo myself. Besides, it will be an eclipse, I won't be able to fire bend anyway. I'll be sticking to my daggers" promises Lian happily, gesturing to the daggers already hiding in her sleeves.

As she turned to leave, Piandao called out making her turn in surprise.

"Wait. I want you to have this" said Piandao kindly.

"A white lotus Pai Sho tile?" questions Lian but as she turns to the door, she realised it was closed. Lian examined the lotus design on the doors surrounding by a Fire Nation symbol, wondering what it meant.


Lian travelled all day and camped overnight in order to reach the coordinates for the invasion force. Although she was back in traditional red Fire Nation wear, she couldn't help but feel like an outsider as she travelled through villages and towns while keeping her head down.

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