Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

"It's pricey, but I really do like it" says Sokka, staring intently at a green and gold shoulder strap bag at the village shop.

After travelling all day, the group decided to give Appa a rest and settled in a little village nestled on low hills. After making sure Appa was fed and comfortable, the gang travelled into the village to do some shopping and Sokka was immediately drawn to the bag – although he seemed reluctant to buy it.

"Then you should get it. You deserve something nice" says Katara nicely as Aang ang Lian sit nearby bored.

"I do, don't I?" says Sokka smiling at his sister before sighing, "But no. It's too expensive, I shouldn't."

"Alright, then don't" replied Katara getting annoyed with the conversation.

"You know what? I'm gonna get it" Katara just huffs, watching as Sokka excitedly pays for his new purchase.

Meanwhile, a man nears Aang and Lian handing them a paper as he begins to speak. "Psst, psst. Hey, you kids like earthbending? You like throwing rocks? Then check out Master Yu's Earthbending Academy."

Aang inspects the flyer as the man leaves. "Look, there's a coupon on the back. The first lesson is free."

"Who knows? This Master Yu could be the earthbending teacher you've been looking for" says Lian as Katara and Sokka join them, also looking at the flyer.

"Maybe" says Aang reluctantly. "Although, maybe we can start my firebending lessons first?"

Lian sighs explaining why she couldn't again. "You know the answer to that Avatar. You have to master water and earth first. If I teach you firebending without the discipline needed from water and earthbending, you can lose control and hurt someone around you."

Aang looks guiltily away from Katara remembering how his first attempt at firebending had burnt her arms.

Katara, sensing his guilt, grabs his arm and starts to pull him away excitedly. "Come on Aang! Let's find you your earthbending teacher!"

Lian waited patiently outside with Sokka and Katara as Aang had his first earthbending class. She hoped this Master Yu was the right teacher for him, Lian knew Aang was eager to start advancing.

As she waited, Lian decided to question Katara. "Why did Aang look guilty when I mentioned needing control to fire?"

Katara froze, not sure how to answer it. "Well..." she starts hesitantly. "A while back, on our way to the North Pole we met a Fire Nation deserter who taught Aang a bit of firebending but when he tried to teach Aang discipline he accidentally got a bit carried away and burnt my hands."

Lian's eyes widened, taking in the information before looking down at Katara's hand seeing them smooth and burnt free.

"I can heal myself and others with waterbending" explains Katara, seeing Lian's gaze. "I didn't know it at the time and although I healed it really scared Aang. I don't think he wanted to learn firebending again until he met you."

Lian was honoured that Aang wanted her to be his teacher but she was worried. She had only ever had one pupil, Azula, who refused to learn discipline and instead used her firebending to create chaos.

The conversation ends as Aang emerged from the dojo with other pupils, all dressed in a dark green earthbender training uniform and a round helmet, looking dejected.

"He's not the one" declares Aang sitting next to his friends.

Just then, two boys exit the dojo speaking loudly and excitedly.

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