Chapter Twenty-Four

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Chapter Twenty-Four

Unlike the Avatar, Lian didn't have a flying bison which would make their journey back home easy. Instead, Lian, her father and cousin finally make their way back to their apartment as the sun sets.

Opening the door, Lian sighs in relief just happy to be home.

"You did the right thing, letting the Avatar's bison go free" says a pleased-looking Iroh, closing the door behind him.

Zuko had been quiet during their walk back and Lian assumed he was still mulling over the decision he had made. She hoped he didn't regret letting the bison go free.

"Are you okay Zuzu?" asks Lian, concerned by her cousins silence.

"I don't feel right" he murmurs before suddenly collapsing unconscious to the floor, breaking a vase in the process.

"Zuko!" shouts Lian, rushing over to his side along with her father.

"What's wrong with him?" cries Lian as Iroh touches his forehead.

"He's burning up" says Iroh calmly, "help me bring him to the bed."

Together, Lian and her father lay an unmoving Zuko onto the mattress.

"It seems the pressures of the day have been too much for the young prince" assesses Iroh.

Poor Zuko, Lian thought. For such a young boy, he always seemed to have the weight of the world of his shoulders. He had already been through so much and seen so much. His experiences had aged him but it was also why she knew he would one day be a great Fire Lord.

Checking his temperature, Lian was happy to see it hadn't worsened and it seemed Zuko was finally sleeping easily.

"I'm going out" announces Lian, needing some fresh air. "Don't wait up for me father." Without waiting for a reply, Lian left needing some time to clear her mind.

In the evening, the streets of Ba-Sing-Se were almost empty as no one wanted to be out in the cold. Lian liked it however, sometimes the cold helped dampen the anger and heat she often felt. Walking down the streets, Lian sensed another walking behind her. She suspected it was Dai Li although she wasn't sure how they found her – her father helped ensure there was no one saw them leave during their recent trip to Lake Laogai.

Whipping around unexpectedly, Lian grabbed a dagger from within her sleeve and pulled it towards the next of her stalker before her eyes widened at who it was.

"Sokka!" says Lian in relief. The watertribe boy only smiles nervously as Lian lowers her dagger.

"How did you know I was here?" She asks accusingly before turning to shout to the air, "Avatar, you can come out now?"

"Hey Lian, how are you?" says Aang sheepishly emerging from the corner along with Katara and Toph. Lian only raises her eyebrows. "Look, I wouldn't have told them you were here unless we needed your help."

"Lian, you've been in Ba-Sing-Se all this time!" accesses Katara, coming forward to hug the firebender.

"It's lovely to see you all again" says Lian returning the hug before also pulling Toph into an embrace. "My cousin and uncle are here to make a new life: we mean no harm."

Although Katara didn't look like she believed her, she thankfully let it go.

"We have a plan to get into the Earth Palace so we can finally tell the Earth King about the war and how the Dai Li have been concealing the secret" explains Sokka.

"Sounds good" agrees Lian, "But I don't think you need my help to get into the palace and I definitely can't help using firebending."

"You're Royal!" says Toph as if that explained everything.

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