Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Lian decided to stay on Zuko's ship with her father while her cousin explored the nearby town looking for answers. While rescuing them from the Earth Kingdom soldiers, Zuko was sure he had seen the Avatar's bison head in the direction of a small village close by.

Lian was tempted to tease her cousin for choosing to save them instead of chasing after the bison but deep down, Lian was chuffed that Zuko chose to save them instead of following their new lead. It also made her feel slightly guilty for what happened on Kyoshi Island. Zuko had never questioned how the Avatar was able to get away or where she was while he fought – his trust in her made her remorseful but she wasn't sure if it would have changed her decision.

A while later, her cousin returns on his war rhinoceros clearly satisfied with his reconnaissance mission in town. "The Avatar is heading to Crescent Island" he declares, telling the Captain to head in that direction.

"Isn't that where Avatar Roku's temple is?" wondered Lian out loud "Is the Avatar trying to contact him?"

"It doesn't matter, the Temple is in Fire Nation territory" interrupted her father with concern. Zuko however chooses to ignore her father, continuing on his route into Fire Nation waters. Growing frustrated, Iroh attempts to talk some sense into his nephew: "Sailing into Fire Nation waters... of all the foolish things you have done in your 16 years, Prince Zuko, this is the most foolish."

"Perhaps Father is right Zuzu, I'm not sure if you would be welcomed there."

"I have no choice." Responds Zuko, standing on the Captain's deck looking out into the open waters ahead.

Her normally calm father was growing angrier as her cousin refused to listen to reason "Have you completely forgotten that the Fire Lord banished you?! What if you're caught?"

Although her father was angry, she knew it was more due to the worry he felt for his nephew going back into Fire Nation waters. Last time Zuko was there, he was forced to leave as a banished Prince. Turning to face her father, Zuko said: "I'm chasing the Avatar. My father will understand why I'm returning home. Besides, I'm sure Lian can use her political powers to get us out of this."

"Cousin, you overestimate me. I may have been able to help you out before, but I don't think I'll be much help against the Fire Nation Navy." In the past, whenever Zuko's anger got him in trouble with Fire Nation soldiers, a letter from her was enough to have him released and unharmed.

"She's right and you give your father too much credit. My brother is not the understanding type." Added Iroh.

Zuko instead turned to reface the glass on the cabins deck looking out to sea, a sign that the conversation was over – nothing was going to change Zuko's mind.

A little while later, Lian and her father decided to stay on the Captain's deck with her cousin and the Captain. While Zuko choose to continue staring out to sea, Lian and her father decided to play a quick game of Pai Sho.

Lian didn't know why he had agreed to play against her father, she had never beaten him before but as she sat their focusing on the game she realised she had the upper hand. As she went to move the piece that would help her on her way to victory, Zuko suddenly spoke "There they are! Helmsman, full steam ahead!"

With the game abandoned much to Lian's dismay and Iroh's relief, both rushed over to Zuko to see his view of the flying bison flying ahead in the distance.

As the ship draws closer to the bison, Zuko along with his relatives rush on to the deck of the ship to see his men raising a catapult. A steaming projectile is loaded on and Zuko stands to move behind the catapult.

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